44 | Love Song

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Kane's POV:

"Wake up." I heard someone begin to yell, as I felt hands begin to slap at my arm, not hard, but not exactly gentle either.

A groan came from my chest as I forgot where I was for a second.

I slowly began to open my eyes as I looked straight forward to seeing Traves standing right in front of me.

His frown looked down at me with disapproval, as his dark black hair was in its traditional form.

He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and black jeans, as his arms were crossed.

I looked around and realized that I was still in this shitty motel room.

Light slightly shined through the dingy curtains, as I realized I was laying on my stomach.

With a growl, I turned over so I could lay on my back.

Traves sighed out as he took a seat on the bed next to mine.

I sat up as my back hit the backboard.

My head immediately started to spin, as all my memories began to come back.

"God. You look awful."

My head turned towards Traves as I slightly narrowed my eyes. Asshole.

Traves shook his head. "God. You REAK of alcohol. What the fuck has gotten into you?"

I didn't dare answer his question. I was to tired and to irritated to even care what he or anyone else thought of me.

"Have you seriously been here for 2 weeks?"

I sighed out. "Yes."

I mean, I didn't exactly have a choice. After Evelyn's family fired my ass, I didn't really have a choice. Thank God, I got paid amazing money.

"Why are you sitting here moping? I have been trying to call you for days."

I glanced over at my nightstand, as I realized my phone HAS been dead for a few days.

"It's been dead." I replied in a stern and firm tone.

He scoffed. "And you couldn't get your ass out of bed to just place it on charge?"

I stayed silent.

I have had no desire to do absolutely anything, not even to go running or anything, and I love running. It was the one way I found that helped helped I needed to relieve stress. But I didn't even want to do that. All I wanted was her.

Traves shook his head, as I could tell he was worried and also angry with me.

"I have another job for you, if you want it."

I growled, as the thought of me watching over someone new triggered me.

"I don't want it."

With a roll of his eyes, he scooted slightly closer to me.

"Your lucky I was even able to take back your ass, after what you did. This could be the only job you get for a long time, Kane."

I turned my head to glare at him, as I couldn't help but not process almost anything he was saying.

"I already told you. I don't want it."

Traves let out a small chuckle before looking at the ground.

My eyes narrowed in his direction, as annoyance began to flood through my veins.


He quivered his lip, as he smiled at me cheekily.

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