20 | Passion

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Evelyn's POV:


"As I was saying," Brady continued on with his conversation.

But I couldn't help but not get a single word to stick into my brain.

My eyes stared into Brady's, yet I was not recalling a single thing that we were talking about.

As far as I know, we have only been talking about the rules of our government for the past 30 minutes. And when it comes to me and politics, we just don't make a good match.

I absolutely DESPISE talking about anything that has to do with our government. I just wasn't the type who enjoyed it.

Plus, I couldn't stop looking over at Kane the whole time.

And I think he has noticed because his eyes haven't moved off of mine since we arrived. And occasionally, he would smirk at me, which would send nerves down my spine, and a rush of jitters down my legs.

For the past 3 days, I have thought of nothing but our kiss in my secret garden.

The way Kane's strong muscles felt wrapped around my tiny body.

Or the way he lifted me off the ground and pushed his hard self in between my legs.

His lips on mine, the way they easily formed with one another, was like a dream coming true.

That kiss was everything I needed and more. I truly wish I could go back to those moments and re live them.

I was just thankful that no one caught us because if they did. I don't think me and I would still be standing here today.

Brady's mouth kept moving, as my brain did the same.

Me and I decided to have a small picnic in the park, as Kane sat over there on the bench only a feet from us.

Me and Brady have already been on the cover magazine, about a million times.

People will say and report, "Oh! New couple alert! The Duke's son, Mr. Brady Maxwell, with the jewel of the season, Princess Evelyn Hale!"

Or, "Brady Maxwell and Evelyn Hale seemed to be getting really cozy at their cafe date this afternoon!"

And like typical, my mother would read those and go absolutely crazy.

She would practically leap for joy and tell me how proud of she is of me.

I would only get more annoyed and immediately leave.

I just wish I had the freedom to choose who I wanted to be with.

I wish I was able to choose my own path, but sadly, not everyone has the same opportunities. Even as a princess, your options in life are quite limited.

Brady's head turned the left as he watched people pass by. Some girls were looking at him like he was snack. And in reality, he was.

Brady was an incredibly handsome man with a personality that was so sweet and innocent. You were almost scared to even touch him.

My arm was wrapped around his arm as his lips continued to move with every word he petruded from his mouth, but I hadn't understood a single word since we got here.

My mind was racing about someone. Someone that I shouldn't be. Kane.

I think about how his lips roughly pressed against mine, his tongue dancing with mine, his hands running down my whole body. His delicate touch, as his finger glided all over my curves.

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