33 | Too Close

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Evelyn's POV:


Sitting here at the dining table, I was surrounded by my mother and father, and about 1000 more people.

I sat at the tip top of the wooden table, as a huge cake stood before me.

It was light pink and had white frosting surrounding the edges.

Today was my birthday. My 13th birthday at that.

My eyes flooded the room, as I couldn't help but look at all the staring eyes.

Most of these people I didn't even know, most of these people could care less if they knew me. They were only here for my mom and dad.

My mother was going to be crowned queen anyday, my grandmother passed away a few months ago.

And although my family is still recovering from it. We, unfortunately, have to put on a brave face in society.

My grandmother, Danielle Marie Hudson, was one of the best queens this nation has ever seen.

She was resilient, kind, and compassionate. She was everything Agevin needed and wanted.

And now that my mother is taking charge, she is expected to do the same.

I could see it in her face she was stressed and worried. From what I can tell, Grandma put a lot of pressure on her to know her trade. In case something like this happens.

Everyone began to sing happy birthday, as my smile just stayed on my face and my hands in my lap.

My father and mother held one another closely as they both admired from afar.

Nerves began to set in, as I felt my heart begin to race.

I didn't like all these people looking at me.

And yet, I should be used to it by now. 

"Happy Birthday -" began to fill my ear drums, as I did my best to ignore it.

I didn't much like my birthday. I didn't like it one bit. It reminded me that I was another year closer to becoming queen. Even if my mother had only just started her journey as the head of the castle.

"Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone finally sang before the room got quiet.

I slowly leaned in as I blew the candles out.

Once the last flame was swallowed, claps and cheers began to surround the room.

My mother and father walked over to me as they stood behind my chair.

Each one of their hands on my shoulders, as we looked in front of us.

Someone with a camera was standing there with a smile, "Smile!" She said.

I couldn't think before quickly smiling at the camera.

As soon as I heard the click and saw the flash, I knew reality set back in.

My mother knelt down as she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"We are so proud of you, Evelyn."

My father gave me a quick pat on the shoulder before smiling down.

I smiled back as my mother began to speak. "You are going to make an excellent queen one day, and I can not wait to help you learn your trade just like Grandma Danielle did for me."

Was the last words she said before they both walked away to hug and greet more people in conversation.

My smile immediately faded as those words sunk in.

Because sooner or later, no matter how much I liked or disliked it. I would become queen. I would be trapped forever until I had children and died.

It's kind of sad to think about this as a 13 year old, but unfortunately, when you're a ruler. You don't have much of a choice.



I stare at the photo in the hallway, half asleep.

The photo that was taken of me on my 13th birthday.

I looked so happy as I smiled with my teeth, as did my family.

We looked like we were the picture-perfect family. But inside that picture, there was so much tradegy and stress that no one would ever know.

I stare at my mother's face. She seemed so sweet. And the truth was, she was. She was a kind person. Except when it came to raising me to be a queen. She could be a real bitch.

She looked like grandma in this photo. Same eyes, same smile. They almost looked like twins, it was kind of insane. Her cheeks shaded the perfect pink tint, her pearly teeth, and her small dimples that sat underneath her cheeks. She was perfection.

I was in my pajamas, as I just left from Kane's room.

We had the castle to ourselves for the night as my parents were off in the US taking care of some trade business.

So me and him obviously used that to our advantage.

I have been sitting here staring at this picture for at least 5 minutes. My mind kept flooding back and forth. From memories, to my current situation with them, I was going a mess over a God damn picture.

This whole hallway was lined with pictures of me and my family.

Each picture reminding me about how life was good at first and then suddenly got so bad and so depressing.

From the dim lights in the hallway, to the candles lit. This hallway gave off the perfect vibe to my mood.

The picture next to my birthday one, was a picture of me.

I was fake laughing at the camera, as my hand rested on the top of my head.

My blonde hair was in waves, as I was wearing a Jean like button up and matching jeans.

I looked at the bottom of the frame and read it as it said: "Princess Evelyn Hale, age 16, Royal Family Photoshoot."

16. Damn. That was the year everything started to change. As my mother used to say to me. 16 is when you start to really become a woman.

And let me tell you, she REALLY started to treat me like one after that birthday.

I was smiling in that photo, but in reality I was hurting. Little did I know, how it would get so much worse.

I remember this photoshoot well.

I wanted to do my own thing, my own poses. But my mother had other ideas, other plans.

She was standing behind the camera man, telling me what to do. And like the coward I was, I listened like a dog.

The picture was in black and white to appear more "classy" as my mother said.

I rolled my eyes, as I didn't even think another thing before walking away, as I made my way to my room.

The more I stared at these photos, the more pissed I would become.

I really badly wanted to go grab the baseball bat in my room and smash these photos to pieces. But sadly, the guards would have heard and probably would have killed me.

Maybe they would even kill me? Hell, that wouldn't exactly be the worst thing that could happen.

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