4 | Brunch

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Kane's POV:

I sat in this metal white chair as I watched Evelyn and her friends laugh and giggle over the stupidest things.

I sat at a table across from them, but my view of them was clear.

The whole place was mainly empty, except for a few old couples that sat down and drank tea.

Otherwise, the place was completely empty due to me.

I called in early to have it emptied out. But of course, Evelyn insisted on letting some people stay.

And I am sure there are paparazzi waiting outside as we speak, but as long as I am here, they will not step one inch towards her.

Put it this way, I wasn't here for pure joy. Instead, fact, it wasn't my choice. I HAD to be here.

My boss ordered it, so here we are.

But if I had it my way, I would have rather been bodyguarding for a famous fucking writer in California or some shit, because she is making this miserable.

I am here to do one thing, and one thing only. Make sure Evelyn Hale is safe and sound and that's it. No romance, no connection, no friendship, nothing. And I guess she didn't seem to understand that when I first told her, because she has asked about my personal life at least 5 times since I have been here.

She bugs me a lot. And for some reason, I can't figure out why.

Suddenly Evelyn laughed out loud once more as I couldn't help but smile just a tad.

Her laugh was so silly and contagious that anyone would at least chuckle over it.

And although I am sworn to never EVER having a relationship with a client, I couldn't deny Evelyn's beauty.

Her long light blonde hair that went down her back that had a slight wave to the touch, or the fact that her dark blue eyes shined in the sunlight.

She was absolutely stunning. A lot better looking than a lot of the girls I knew back home.

Her pink lips were so full and filled with Gloss that a part of me wished that she wasn't a princess, and I wasn't a bodyguard so I could taste them or rather devour them with my tongue.

Her smile made the rest of the world smile with her, as her skin was so soft and glowy. Some would say she is every man's dream. But that is incredibly false, because she is my dream. And my dream only.

And sadly, I would be selfish like that. Because if I had her. I would want her all to myself. No man would ever lay eyes on her again, or touch her again like I would.

God. If only my dreams became a reality.

All the sudden, I got startled by the sudden ringing in my pocket.

I reached into my pants pocket as I grabbed my cell phone and looked at the name. It read, Travis.

I rolled my eyes and growled before swiping answer as I put the phone up to my ear.

My eyes never left Evelyn's sight as I watched her every move.

"What." I immediately said.

Traves couldn't help but chuckle over the line. "Sounds like this job is going very well."

I narrowed my eyes. "Fuck you."

"Woah their Young, no need to get so rude. I was only calling to see how it's going so far."

Anger rose in my body, as I couldn't help but feel my joints tense up and my mouth form into a slight frown.

"It's going great." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, right. Let me guess. You told her you didn't want to be 'friends' like you did with all of the women, and she didn't like it."

Damn. He knows me better than I thought.

Travis was the manager of Secret Protective Services, and also my boss.

I have been a bodyguard for at least 10 years. And Travis, has been my boss ever since I have started and has also became one of my best friends.

He has been their for me ever since my parents death, and I honestly don't know what I would do without him. And even if that sounds a little cheesy, you better fucking believe it was the truth.

"Of course. Women never understand."

Travis scoffed. "Come now, man. You know that it probably hurts this one a lot more than the rest."

I gulped as I listened deeply.

"Think about it. She stays in that castle all day and all night, and has no one to talk to, that's ACTUALLY her friend."

I didn't need to think about shit. Because it still wasn't changing my mind.

Nothing would. Sooner or later, she would understand why I couldn't and wouldn't try and be her friend.

It was for the best. For me and for her.

"She is beautiful though. Isn't she?"

I felt my heart do a gallop, as I bit down on my lip slightly.

I couldn't answer him, because she was. The most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. She was a delicate little flower that was so fragile yet so strong at the same time.

"Ah. So you agree?"

I narrowed my eyes once again as denial began to set in. "I never said such a thing."

"Yes, but you didn't seem to deny it either."

I took my free hand and rubbed it against my forehead in search of some sort of comfort from this horrible conversation.

"I am just saying, maybe re-think being a total ass to her, and just talk to her once? See what she's like, and who knows, maybe you'll end up hating this job a lot less."

And before I could answer him back with a snarky comment, I heard a small beep signaling he had ended the call.

Fucking prick.

But maybe he was right, maybe I could at least try and talk to her. I mean what bad could it do? Right?

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