2 | Roses

332 9 2

Evelyn's POV:

I fixed my dress as my heels began to click and clack on the tile floor that flooded the castle.

My assistant followed behind me as she held a notebook and pen in her grasp at all times.

"Vivenne, my mother and father did say my bodyguard was in the garden, correct?"

She nodded once. "Yes, your highness. He is waiting in the royal gardens as we speak."

I shook my head. "Great."

We began to walk some more until we finally found our place outside.

I told Vivienne to stay inside so I could properly meet this person without having anyone else distracting me.

I began to walk through the grass as I began to head towards the bushes. Or rather the secret garden maze.

I smiled as I smelled the fresh roses growing deep in the green shrubs and the sounds of the water coming from the fountains.

I loved coming out here. It made me feel free. It was the one place that I didn't need protection from. The one place that I could come to when I needed an escape from reality.

And as I looked around for a guy, I never saw him.

So, I decided I was going to wait here by the fountain.

I took a seat at the edge of the stone as my eyes watched as the water trinkled down the fixture and fell into the pool of water.

My eyes gazed down at the shimmer that reflected off the clear liquid, and the lilies that sat straight upon the water, so delicate to the touch as the flowers in the middle of them made them pop in the water.

They were waiting for frogs to jump on them.

I closed my eyes gently as I sighed out and did my best to relax.

This place was my refuge. I often would read out here, paint, or even just a simple walk through.

I absolutely loved it out here. It was the one place that would always be sacred to me.

My hands sat against the stone, as I leaned back ever so slightly trying to catch the breeze from the wind, so it could hit my face.

I wanted to feel the coolness, chill, and light up my face.

The wind sent goosebumps up arms, as I-

Suddenly, I felt my body begin to fall back. Panic began to set in, as I knew I was going into the water. Shit.

Without warning, someone grabbed my right arm, suddenly hoisting me up into their grip.

As my feet hit the grass once again, I did my best to regain my eyesight, so I could thank whoever saved me.

But as my mind came back to reality, and my eyes splattered with life and color. I could see perfectly clear in front of me.

Because standing in front of me was a person.

No. Not a person. A man.

The first thing I noticed was his dark green eyes. They obsorbed my presence as they practically sucked me in. His beautiful daring green eyes searched my whole body, looking at every square inch.

His pupils were hard to the core. I could tell he was the type of man to break the rules or the type of man that wouldn't break rules no matter what. Their was no in between with him.

He bit his bottom lip slightly. Barely noticeable. But it's a good thing my eyes caught that little movement because that made my legs almost go weak again as tingles went up my spine.

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