3 | The End

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Evelyn's POV:


Anger rose in my veins for the millionth time today. As I stood with my hip, my hip popped out, and my arms crossed as I stared Kane down.

He stood in the same stance as me, as we stood in my office.

"I am going to tea with my friends, and you can't stop me."

His eyes narrowed as his muscles tensed. "You can have them here."

I shook my head. "I guess you are not understanding me. I am leaving, and you're not stopping me."

He scoffed as he took a few steps towards me.

"The hell I won't. I can easily stop you from walking out that door."

I growled.

It has only been a week with this maniac, and already, I am going crazy. He is being a total ass over EVERYTHING. I haven't left the castle in over a week because of him. My mother and father must think I am sick or something because I try to get out as much as possible.

All I wanted to do was go and have brunch with a few of my friends. But no. I am not allowed to do anything, and it's just about to send me over the edge.

I shook my head once more. "If you think you are going to stop me, I am sorry to tell you, Kane. But you are sadly mistaken. I am the princess of Agevin, and if I want to leave, than I am going to fucking leave."

He began to walk towards me slowly as I pointed my finger at him as I kept talking.

"And one yell from me, and you will be thrown out of my country in seconds."

Kane's eyebrow began to twitch as his shoes clacked on the wood floor beneath us.

His eyes darted me down, as I suddenly felt my body began to step back as I felt my lower back come into contact with the wooden desk behind me.

My spine dug into the surface, sending a small bit of sharp pain through my body. But I couldn't help but not care about that and care more about the fact that Kane was inches away from me.

My hands gripped the desk, as I felt my right knee prop up for balance.

His face inched closer to mine as I slowly felt his hands go on top of mine.

Feeling his strong grip on my delicate and smooth palms, almost sent me over the edge.

Feeling his skin on mine, sent an electricity through me that I had never felt before with anyone.

I gulped as the heat between our bodies increased as my head looked up, to meet his piercing gaze.

His green orbs stared down into me with intensity and passion.

A small smirk touched his lips. "You were saying, angel?"


God. Never in my life, has a nickname almost got me weak in the knees before. Until, Kane.

I gulped before answering him. "I want to go and see my friends."

His face kneeled down just a smidge closer.

"And what if I say no." He whispered.

I narrowed my eyes slightly. "If you tell me I can't leave the castle one more time, Mr. Young. Than I will have to kneel you in the fucking balls, and catch a car to the Cafe."

His eyes widened slightly as I felt one hand leave mine as his pointer finger glided across my chin.

"Such a dirty mouth for a princess."

I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip as I watched as his mouth moved when he spoke.

A short came between us, as our bodies sat still and our eyed searched one another.

The way I could feel his chest heave against mine. And the way his body formed up right against mine, was like glue. It felt almost right that we were here together. And I didn't know exactly why. It's like my mind couldn't quite piece it together.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I have a date to get to with my girls."

I used my free hand to push against his chest, causing him to walk backwards, letting my body get some freedom.

I began to walk towards the door, as Kane slowly walked behind me. And I couldn't help but notice he walked just slightly farther away than normal.

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