35 | Flying

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Evelyn's POV:

We arrived in Jamacia not that long ago and were currently in the car driving to our resort.

The moon lit up the sky, as I could still see the fresh palm trees and beautiful flowers all over the place.

Every building we passed by, every statue we looked at, was priceless.

I couldn't help but smile ear to ear as we continued to drive through the town.

And soon, when we reached the house. My eyes still started to explore.

I immediately jumped out of the car as I could hear Kane yelling to wait.

But I couldn't help it. My veins were filled with too much excitement, that I couldn't help but want to see every inch of this place.

I haven't been outside of my home country in so long, and to finally get away from home after feeling like I have been trapped, it has to be one of the best feelings in the world.

I ran to the door as I grabbed the key from the front porch pot, just like Kane said it would be.

I unlocked the door in less than 20 seconds as I slammed the door open.

I walked in slowly as I took it all in.

The boho, beachy furniture surrounded the place, as I immediately felt at ease.

What I would give to live in a place like this forever.

I didn't need to live in a fancy castle and go to balls every night to be happy. All I needed was for my parents to finally start treating me like an adult to understand that I need my own space. My own life.

I stood in the middle of the living room, as I couldn't help but jump slightly.

My cheeks lit up with a red tint, as I felt tingles go up my spine.

A chuckle came behind me as I quickly turned around, not dropping my grin once.

"So I am guessing you like it then?" Kane said as he dropped the bags down by his side.

I scoffed playfully, "Like it? I love it! Are you kidding me?! I have always wanted to come to a place like this and stay."

He chuckled as he began to walk over to me.

"I am really happy that you like it, Princess."

I took a deep breath and breathed out as his hands touched my shoulders.

"I do, Kane. You have no idea how much I needed this."

He shook his head as he caressed my skin slightly.

"I did. You seemed so stressed with everything that you had going on, I figured you needed a distraction."

As soon as he said 'distraction', my mind began to go to other places, "Distraction as in how?" I replied with a smirk.

His lips parted slightly as his eyes nodded.

"Evelyn Hale, are you suggesting we do something?" He said as his hands slowly glided to other sides of my cheeks, gripping slightly.

I gulped as I parted my glossed lips, "Maybe." I whispered.

He nodded. "Well- I think I might have the perfect distraction."

His hands went back down to my shoulders, as be turned my body around to face the tall windows that touched from the cieling to the floor.

"I think that hot tub could be a very good distraction, for you princess."

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