A day without murdoc is a good day.

Start from the beginning

2d simply nods with a more happy smile. " That sounds like fun ace. What do you have planned?'' Ace smiled whispering to 2d. " I want to keep it a secret 2d. I know you're going to love it though." 2d was now very curious since Ace never keeps their dates secret. As the two chatted, noodle came over with drinks for the four of them. Ace and Russell got coffee while noodle and 2d had some peppermint tea. 2d smiled looking at noodle . " Thanks noodle." noodle simply nodded with a smile . " The food should be ready in a minute. "Noodle walks back to the kitchen . 

   As ace and 2d patiently waited for breakfast, 2d suddenly froze. Ace was at first confused until he heard a familiar grumbling coming downstairs. Russel and noodle pause as well.... Murdoc was already pissed at 2d for yelling and threatening to leave...ace being around would make it 100 times worse. Ace glared at the stairs knowing murdoc wouldn't take very long to get down here. Ace suddenly grabs 2d.s arm with a firm but gentle grasp. 2d was a little confused before Ace quickly ran out of the house with 2d . The front door quickly slams shut as the two leave barely taking a single sip of their drinks let alone eating breakfast.

Only a couple seconds after 2d and Ace rushed out of the house Murdoc was downstairs. As usual the jerk refused to put on anything half decent before going downstairs. Murdoc was just in his boxers letting everything else show. Without any care in the fucking world murdoc grabs the coffee that was made for ace and drinks it leaning on the dining room chair . he looked at the two teas rolling his eyes with a annoyed and careless groan. " you two bloody idiots know that 2d probably won't fucking come down here right-" noodle seemed fed up with murdoc's bullshit this week and calls out from the kitchen. " YOU SCARED ACE AND 2D OFF YOU JERK! THEY WERE ABOUT TO HAVE BREAKFAST!" Murdoc glared at noodle . He let out a grumbly . " I told that greaser prick to stay off the property..." murdoc chugs the rest of the coffee before coming into the kitchen and taking the plate of already made breakfast that had been made for 2d. He walks back upstairs mumbling to himself. Noodle sighed, shaking her head looking at russell. " he aint ever going to change, is he russell?" Russell sighed, shaking his head. " I doubt it noodle." Noodle sighed as she ate her plate of food, deciding to keep Ace's plate of food as leftovers . 

     After a bit of walking 2d and ace finally get far enough away from the house to no longer worry about murdoc. 2d sighed with a frown as he looks at ace. " i'm sorry about murdoc ace...i wish that jerk would just leave you alone when ur aorund....it isnt your fucking fault that he was in prison and got temporarely replaced...it was his actions....and yet he acts like...you're the problem-" ace suddenly hugs 2d with a sigh. " he probably hates me because .....well...i think he's jealous... he's jealous that i have such a strong relationship with the band despite only being around for a couple years...and yet even after 20+ years...well...murdoc really has no strong relationships with anyone...even noodle who tolerates him has a pretty rough and weak relationship with him...he hates seeing a newbie like me being more friendly with you guys then he has ever been..."

2d quietly listened to ace...he was ...right...2d sighed looking at ace. " you know...if murdoc even had told me sorry for...the stuff that happened at plastic beach...are relationship probably would be...better...but....he refuses to...so i can't let myself forgive him...at least for now..." ace sighed...feeling bad for 2d...knowing that plastic beach was a painful memory for him....he hugs 2d tighter but still makes sure to not hurt the more lanky and thinner male. " Just know...that as long as i'm around 2d...that...i'll never let murdoc do that type of shit to you guys...ever again...ok?" 2d looked at ace.....he nodded with a smile as he let out. " thank you ace.i'm glad that we hired you."

     Ace smiled at 2d.... Deciding to lighten up the subject. " Are you ready for are date 2d?" 2d lifted his head completely forgetting about the date. He quickly nods with a smile. " Where are we heading to?" Ace sighed " do you remember memory!tale?" 2d perks his head up excitedly as he nods. " I haven't been there in over a decade....me and russell used to take noodle there when she was younger to get away from murdoc." Ace nodded with a smile. " Well, I wanted to take us there. If you find anything you wan't or anything that Russell or noodle might want then let me know. I'll be paying for everything." 2d simply nodded. Ace grabs a teleporter from his leather jacket, opening a portal to memory!tale. " your first 2d." 2d smiled as he walked into the portal with Ace following quickly behind.

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