He'd been watching him go to work and back everyday for the past two weeks, he'd been using this same elevator at exactly the same time Nate uses it, but he'd never noticed him, not until he initiated him in a conversation today.

The kid doesn't have any friends, no female companion.
To Matteo his life was pretty boring and normal, he hardly left the house, unless to go to work, or his father's house, and then back to his apartment again.

He doesn't go partying or clubbing like most young CEOs like him would.
He was hardly even CEO material, if there's one thing, all rich kids like him had the same famous personality, womanizing.
But not this kid and it was slowly rubbing off on Matteo, he couldn't go to places like that too because he was stuck watching the kid, so wherever the kid was, he would be there too, which meant he was always home too.
Stuck in that God awful penthouse

The earlier Spade realizes this kid is not a threat, the better for him because he was slowly going crazy watching someone's life as boring and regular as Nate's.


Nate drove as fast as he could and arrived at the office in less than 30 minutes.
He rushed inside, without acknowledging the greeting being sent his way, he entered into the elevator and pressed the top floor.

He checked his watch and he was late for the meeting by 10 minutes, thank God his father was no longer present in the office, he would have said something embarrassing or degrading to him for coming late.

He was panting hard as he looked up and shut his eyes, trying to calm himself and get his heart to stop beating fast.
Soon enough the elevator dinged and he rushed out, without going to his office he headed straight to the conference room, taking a right turn.

He took long strides and soon spotted a very worried secretary standing at the door of the conference room
He rushed towards her, and she gave him a pointed look that said 'he was late'

"I know, I know, I'm late, wasn't my fault" he rushed out as he adjusted his tie "is everyone in"? He asked and she nodded

"Everyone but you" she mutttered handing him a file and some documents
"All you're going to need for the meeting is in there" she added and he quickly thanked her, took in a deep breath and let it out before opening the double doors and walking inside.

All eyes turned to him the moment he walked in, he counted four people, The CEO he was meeting with, his Secretary, his lawyer and his son.

He rushed to the head of the table and set the things down facing them all
"I'm so sorry for coming late, huge traffic on the way" he lied smoothly before stretching his hands out for the old man sitting by his right.
"Mr Kline, sorry for keeping you waiting" he apologized and the man just smiled before taking his hand in a firm grip

"No worries Nate, I haven't been waiting for too long" he muttered gently with a gentle smile before sitting down back.

Nate followed and soon enough they got down to business.
It wasn't much talk, they'd already finalized it the last time they met, Mr Kline just needed to go over a few things, with his lawyer present.

An hour later and they were done.
The old man got up and stretched his hand out for Nate
"It's always a good pleasure doing business with you Son" he muttered and Nate just smiled taking his hands.

"Thank you Mr Kline" he returned the warm smile

"Oh come on, we've been doing business for over a year now and you still call me Mr Kline, please call me Gerard" he muttered making Nate chuckle and nod his head.

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