Chapter 40 Forgiveness

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Zoe Lawson P.O.V

In the charged silence that followed his question, the weight of possibility hung in the air, and I grappled with the reality of what a second chance with him truly meant. A part of me longed for reconciliation, but an unspoken uncertainty lingered beneath the surface. Perhaps, I reasoned, forgiveness was the elusive key needed to unlock the door to our shared future.

"I forgive you," I uttered, a whispered acknowledgment of the steps required for our healing. He gently reminded me, "You already have."

I shook my head, a silent admission that forgiving myself was a journey I had yet to complete. The scars of his request for separation and abortion still etched deep within my soul.

"I forgive myself, too," I declared, a commitment to self-forgiveness as the foundation for a renewed beginning.

"Have you found it in you to forgive yourself?" I asked, locking eyes with him, searching for sincerity in his response.

"It may take some time, but I'm sure I would learn to with you," he assured, his words carrying a vulnerability that mirrored my own struggles.

"Have you forgiven me?" I probed, seeking reassurance in the wake of past hurts.

"You know the answer to that," he replied, the unspoken bond between us shrouded in a complex dance of emotions.

"Maybe this would show," he murmured before swiftly burying his face in the crook of my neck. Without warning, his elongated canines sank into me, marking me as his forever. My eyes widened in surprise, and he, too, seemed taken aback.

"I'm sorry, I should've asked you first," he panicked, his self-reproach palpable.

"No, it's okay," I reassured him, a gentle acceptance of the unexpected turn of events.

"May I?" I questioned, my fingers tracing along his neck where my mark was supposed to be. He shuddered at my touch.

"If I do this, it will mean that we are connected forever," I warned, ensuring he comprehended the profound significance of this ritual.

He met my gaze, offering a short but sincere smile. "I've run away enough; I'm not running anymore," he vowed.

"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was," he quoted, his eyes fixed on me.

"I came back," he pointed out, the acknowledgment of our intertwined destinies resonating in the air like a promise rekindled.

Oz Wyltt P.O.V

Several months had passed, and our quest for someone who abided by the laws of the ten commandments felt like an unending journey through a maze of human shortcomings. Each door we knocked on, and every person we questioned on the street, had a different sin to confess.

"I've disrespected my parents."

"I cheated on my wife."

"I've stolen."




"Left my family."

"Performed fraud."

"Had sex before marriage."

"Left my partner with our unborn child."




"Played with people's hearts."

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