Chapter 38 The Last Conversation

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Zoe Lawson P.O.V

The phone call was unexpected, and Theodore's voice crackled through the speaker with an urgency that tugged at something deep inside me.

"I want to see you privately," he said.

I felt a pang of frustration mixed with sadness. "Why? You seem to be doing just fine without me," I replied, trying to mask the hurt in my voice.

"Just because I show it doesn't mean I truly am," he said quietly, a note of vulnerability in his tone that caught me off guard.

I felt a familiar ache rise within me. "I just... I need to know if you really aren't pregnant," he said, his words cutting through the uncertainty.

The reminder stung. Was this why he'd reached out—to question me again? "You have nothing to worry about. Didn't I give you the scan for proof?" I snapped, the irritation in my voice betraying my inner turmoil.

"I have a tough time trusting you after everything," he admitted, his voice tinged with desperation. "Please, only you can ease my anxiety."

It was maddening how his need for reassurance seemed to overshadow everything else. "I need more proof," he continued.

His request was almost too much to bear. "I want to touch your stomach and see it for myself," he said, and I could feel my anger rising.

"I've gained some weight, Theodore. I'm not comfortable with that," I retorted, trying to maintain some dignity in the midst of my hurt.

"You see, this is what alleviates my anxiety," he persisted.

I hung up, feeling a wave of frustration and resignation. Theodore's call had made it painfully clear: his concern was never about my well-being but his own. It was a harsh truth I had long accepted—Theodore cared about no one but himself.

With a sigh, I composed a message. I told him everything was a lie, and that I didn't care if he hated me for it. Before he judged others and aired their wrongs, he should first examine his own innocence. Once I hit send, I blocked him on WhatsApp, a final act of severance from the tangled past we shared.

That night, the silence felt suffocating. I found myself compulsively checking my phone, half-expecting him to block me in retaliation. To my surprise, he didn't. The next morning, his name flashed across my screen with an incoming call. "Look, I just want to meet and have a conversation," his voice crackled through the receiver, tinged with a mix of confusion and hurt.

His words resonated with an unsettling familiarity, tugging at the raw edges of my emotions. I took a deep breath, the weight of unresolved feelings pressing heavily on my chest. "Fine," I said, my voice a reluctant surrender. It felt like a concession to forces beyond my control.

I didn't know what this meeting would bring, but I was all too aware that our tangled history had a way of pulling me back into a place I thought I had left behind. As much as I wanted to move on, Theodore's insistence was like an anchor, dragging me back into the stormy waters of our past.

Oz Wyllt P.O.V

Our search for a soul abiding by the ten commandments felt like an endless journey through a labyrinth of human imperfections. Each door we knocked on and every person we questioned seemed to carry a different sin.

"I've disrespected my parents."

"I cheated on my wife."

"I've stolen."




"Left my family."

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