Chapter 21 The Seven Deadly Sins

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Lorraine Farrenheights Tepes P.O.V

I was brought in front of huge eerie closed gates glaring down on me. This was an entirely different world.

"Where are we?" I enquired.

"We are in Reaper's underworld." He answers.

"Who exactly is he?" I questioned.

"He comes for souls when their time has come, representing the inevitable nature of mortality." He starts.

"He doesn't cause death but merely guides souls to the afterlife." He ends.

"Aren't you going-" I started. He was just standing there barely forming any moves to summon him.

"He knows." He simply cuts.

Behind me there was a whole town of people undertaking distinctive fields of labor.

"It's almost as they are divided into factions." I uttered to myself watching them struggle.

"They are." I heard an ominous voice and immediately I faced it.

I encountered a skeletal figure wielding a scythe. He then transformed into a seven footed man wearing a black hoodie, concealing his pale skin.

"These are their punishments." He states looking down on them.

The atmosphere was grey and lifeless.

"Punishments for what?" I inquired.

"The seven deadly sins." Oz replies instead.

I calculated the strings of divisions in front of me, and sure enough there were seven.

"Let's go for a tour, shall we?" Reaper smirks and smoke emerged in front of us channeling us to the in skirts of the town.

"Pride." Reaper starts.

"The excessive belief in one's abilities, often leading to disdain of others." He describes.

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Oz recites.

"Their punishment? Hideousness and poverty in their next life. Here, these souls stayed to repent and ask for forgiveness. In so, they must live several years bearing the penalty until they are judged. We call them the children of Oedipus." Reaper states.

We were then pulled towards another area of town, the second faction.

"Envy. Jealousy and resentment towards the possessions or qualities of others." Reaper defines.

"Children of Othello." He continues.

"Their negative energy boomerangs, leading to missed opportunities and unfulfilled potentials. They must break the whispers of unworthiness clouding their minds."

Once again, we were extracted towards another faction, and it continued as Reaper steered us into his world .

"Wrath, intense and uncontrolled anger, or vengeance. They would be alienated in their next life unless they emphasize forgiveness and understanding as a path to redemption."

"Sloth, laziness and a lack of motivation or care, leading to a sense of purposelessness in the next life and they have to work relentlessly to prove their value."

"Greed, excessive desire for material wealth or possessions. They will face financial ruin because of their insatiable desire for fortune."

"Lust, intense and inappropriate sexual desire. A spiritual transgression. A peculiar punishment of denied reward of love unless its soul ignites the light of loyalty."

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