Chapter 12 The Ultimate Separation

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

Lucifer stirred on the bed, groggily waking from the haze of unconsciousness. His eyes fluttered open, and he slowly sat up, confusion etched across his face. As his memory seemed to catch up with him, his eyes widened in realization.

"What happened?" His voice was rough, filled with both confusion and concern.

I could see the gears turning in his mind as he pieced together the chaos of the night. "Fuck!" he cursed, the frustration and anger clear in his tone.

"Oz saved me?" he asked, his brows knitting together as he tried to make sense of everything.

"Thanks to Lorraine," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me.

He let out a deep sigh, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on his shoulders. He pushed himself up, determination replacing the confusion. "We're going back. Take Vanity and Logan. We are not safe here."

The urgency in his voice was unmistakable, but I knew there was a critical piece missing. I had to bring him back to reality. "We can't," I said firmly, meeting his intense gaze.

"Why not?" His voice was laced with impatience, his frustration bubbling just beneath the surface.

"Because Alucard has them," I answered, my voice carrying the gravity of the situation.

Zoe Lawson P.O.V

"A pottery class?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at Theodore as if he'd just suggested we go skydiving.

He looked back at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Come on," he said, pushing me towards the door with a casual confidence.

"But it's closed!" I protested, incredulous.

"Of course it's closed; it's late," he said nonchalantly, pulling out a couple of tiny metallic objects. "We're going to break in."

My eyes widened in alarm. "What? No!" I hissed, glancing around the quiet street, half-expecting an officer to appear out of nowhere.

He ignored my protests, fiddling with the lock. "Relax, it's an old neighborhood. There are no alarms. I've asked the owner."

Before I could protest further, I heard a satisfying click as the door unlocked. My mouth dropped open. "You've been here before? And how do you know how to open a lock?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he swung the door open and ushered me inside. "Follow me," he commanded, leading me through the dimly lit space towards the back of the shop.

He flipped on a light, revealing a cozy studio filled with pottery wheels and tools. The warm glow of the room contrasted with the chilly night outside.

"Sit down," he instructed, pulling a small chair out for me.

I sat, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension as he grabbed a handful of clay and placed it on the rotating plate in front of me.

"Place your hands on the clay and mold it into a structure," he directed, stepping back to watch.

I hesitated, glancing at the unassuming lump of clay. "I've never done this before," I admitted, feeling a bit lost.

Theodore moved behind me, his presence both reassuring and unsettling. He gently placed his hands over mine, guiding me through the motions. The warmth of his touch sent a flutter of butterflies through my stomach.

"Concentrate," he murmured, his voice soft and focused.

I tried to ignore the way his closeness made my heart race. Where had he learned how to do this?

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