Chapter 22 Born with Purpose

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Zoe Lawson P.O.V

As he finishes, his demeanor shifts, and he casually instructs me to wash away his presence from my body. His affectionate side disappears, resurfacing only when he desires intimacy or some other favor.

"You wet the bed again," He states, a hint of annoyance in his voice, tossing the sheets to the floor.

Initially, he found a certain satisfaction in being the only one to evoke such vulnerability in me. However, over months, his irritation grew, and he even suggested I refrain from finishing to avoid this messy situation.

"It smells," He remarks, seemingly unaware of how offensive his comments are. I feel repulsed and disgusted with myself.

Desperate for a solution, I researched extensively, but there seemed to be none. Suppressing it by not finishing was the only option, albeit not always successful. I even tried drinking less water, but the issue persisted.

Why am I so vulnerable to him? I know this isn't right; I despise the hold he has over me.

My wolf whimpers in agreement.

I once believed that being intimate might change his perspective, but he remained steadfast. He even stated that if I were to become pregnant, he'd prefer a miscarriage, claiming we were too young for parenthood.

I agreed outwardly, but internally, I questioned his audacity. How could he ask such a thing from his supposed mate? Are we truly meant for each other, or is there an ulterior motive?

His coldness after the encounter leaves me feeling hollow.

Was it because he anticipated this outcome? Did he sense that we were not meant to be a perfect match?

Aren't we mates? Aren't we supposed to be made for each other? I could feel my wolf howling in agony.

Nausea lingered, a bitter aftertaste from the experience. He turned cold as I emerged, having cleansed myself.

"Are you not going to help me?" He asks, drying the wet mattress area.

I nodded and hastened to assist him.

"When would you know if you're pregnant?" He questions.

I shrugged, swallowing hard.

"I don't think it would happen," I said. Female wolves typically conceive during a two-week ovulation stage when they are in heat.

He regarded me as if my answer were foolish.

"You do understand a person could be impregnated with pre-cum?" He questioned.

I nodded.

"I'll be moving out soon. Any sign of pregnancy, you must tell me. Understand?" He demands.

"What if I want it?" I inquired.

"That is not happening," He asserted.

"You don't even have to be in the picture. I can handle it," I assured.

"You are never going to bear my child," He declared, cupping my jaw, staring sternly into my eyes.

That statement shattered my heart.

"It's never happening," he released his grip.

Lorraine Farrenheights Tepes P.O.V

"I accept your diplomacy," Reaper acknowledges his offer.

"No," I firmly state.

"What about me? Did you ask me if I wanted this?" I question a sense of betrayal lingering in the air.

He struck a deal with the devil without considering my consent.

"Your objection was too late. This treaty is enforced," Reaper declares, conjuring smoke that transforms into a radiant ball of light.

With deliberate steps, he advances towards me.

I took a few steps back.

"No," I resist, glancing at Oz, who observes the unfolding events.

I attempt to transform into my complete self, but it's futile.

My fangs refuse to elongate.

My once formidable speed has vanished.

"What have you done to me?" I asked, bewildered.

"Everyone who comes into my world becomes a mortal. You are only a vampire on the other side.

"Your supernatural abilities are stripped only containing you. You see my dear, the law of the universe is not the same on all realms." He notes.

"Only those born with powerful spiritual power." He adds, gesturing towards Oz.

"Bears exception." He says, turning back to face me. My feet feel glued to the floor, as if sinking into quicksand.

"Only those who understand the laws of the universe. Let's open your first chakra, shall we?" He states and uses his sickle to touch the location between my eyebrows.

"Let me awaken your spiritual awareness." He says.

"Enough, she doesn't need to understand it." Oz states from my side and Reaper retracts.

"There's seven main chakras." He begins.

"Root for grounding and stability." He uses his sickle to point at the base of my spine.

"Sacral relates to emotions, creativity, and sensuality." He motions towards my lower abdomen.

"Solar Plexus connects to personal power, confidence, and self-esteem." He directs my upper abdomen.

"Heart associates with love, compassion and relationships," He points to the center of my chest, glancing at Oz in the process.

"Throat links to communication, self-expression and truth." He directs towards mt throat.

"And finally, Crown associates with high consciousness, spirituality and enlightenment." He uses the sickle to touch the top of my head.

"Why are you telling me all this?" I asked scowling while still struggling to move my immobilized legs.

"What are you preparing her for?" Oz questions.

Reaper simply smiles before using his other hand that was holding my past conscience and grabbed the part of my head that holds the prefrontal cortex.

I screamed as too many memories flooded, I felt as though my brain was about to explode.

I remembered everything.

My past family.


Our first kiss.

The first time we made love.

The time I grew corrupt.

The children I murdered.

Oz crying over my lifeless body.

"See you soon." I heard Reaper's voice in my head and before I knew it, I was back into my room.

Oz Wyllt P.O.V

"Wait." I tried but it was too late, he had already placed her back into her world.

"What's your motive?" I questioned.

Grim wouldn't humbly teach or give a tour to another soul unless there was intention.

"You'll see." He speaks.

"The little one bears the gift of vision. She was born with purpose." He tells. 




- Valentine Winters

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