Chapter 29 My Water Broke

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Lorraine Farrenheights Tepes P.O.V

"A sacrifice?" I asked, my surprise evident in the raised arch of my eyebrows.

"Wouldn't that itself defeat the commandments?" I questioned, skeptical.

Merlin shook his head, his ancient eyes betraying a wisdom that transcended time. "Using a warlock as a sacrifice betrays the commandments, but if a disciple sacrifices consensually, he would be resurrected."

"The problem is, there is no way we could find such a disciple on Earth," Oz retorted, his skepticism matching mine.

"How can you be so sure?" Merlin inquired, raising an eyebrow in challenge.

"Men have no control over their minds," Oz explained, his tone confident.

"Who says it has to be a male?" Merlin countered, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"If history has taught us anything, obedience and discipline are stitched into a woman's genetic code," Merlin stated matter-of-factly.

"There's no godly woman on Earth," Oz scoffed in disbelief.

His statement seemed to strike a nerve in Merlin. Suddenly, his eyes began to glow in hazel, a supernatural intensity emanating from within. "Do you want to know why?"

My heartbeat quickened as he asked that question, sarcasm dripping onto every word like venom.

In an instant, the world around us began to move, and we found ourselves engulfed in a swirling tornado. Our hairs were tossed behind us by the gusting force of the wind.

"Watch," Merlin directed, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Circles of portals opened, revealing women on Earth in various states of despair. Their cries echoed through the portals—suicides, self-harm, bleeding, and raging. I turned, instinctively covering Leon's eyes, urging him to bury his face against me. The scenes Merlin unveiled were horrifying and gory realities that made my stomach churn.

"Why are you showing me all this?" Oz questioned, his gaze piercing through the fading chaos, fixing on Merlin.

"The reason behind these women's chaos, who stripped their innocence through intentional deceit, were by none other than men," Merlin explained as the tornado around us slowed down, dissolving along with the haunting portals. In an instant, we were back in the study, the atmosphere eerily calm as if the storm had never happened.

Merlin extended his left hand, and above his palm materialized a hologram of Earth, adorned with countless lights. "Each light represents a divine woman," he stated.

The lights vanished, leaving several still illuminated. "Now, each light represents a divine man," he acknowledged.

"You didn't have to put up a horror show to teach me that," Oz remarked, his tone laced with a mix of irritation and bewilderment.

"Sometimes it's required so it latches into your core and never fades," Merlin replied with an enigmatic smile before disappearing, leaving us to grapple with the weight of his revelation.

"So, these women, they follow every rule?" I questioned, seeking clarity in the aftermath of the surreal experience.

"More or less. Maybe it's time for both of you to learn together," he had said, his words echoing in the stillness.

"Of course, he doesn't make it easy for me," Oz muttered, frustration evident in his voice.

"I don't have time for this; I still haven't figured out your vision," he sighed, his focus shifting towards Leon.

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