Chapter 46 Morningstar Coincidence

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Oz Wyltt P.O.V

"I cannot intervene in how Reaper operates," Mortessa confessed, her words resonating with a cosmic limitation that tethered even the divine.

"However, I could bend the rules," she added, injecting a glimmer of hope into the celestial atmosphere. Both my father and I exchanged intrigued glances, captivated by the prospect of cosmic boundaries being stretched.

"Ignatius," she called, and with ethereal grace, a phoenix soared to her side. "Send Grim an invitation to our realm," she commanded, and the majestic bird of flame took flight, carrying out her cosmic directive with a profound understanding.

"Our realm?" my father inquired, seeking clarification amidst the revelations unfolding.

"If I am the Mother of all mothers, who do you think is the Father?" Mortessa posed a question that left us stunned, the celestial implications echoing through the chamber.

As she gracefully stood from her throne, revelations continued to pour forth. "And so only we get to judge, reward, and punish our children," she declared, a statement that shifted the cosmic perspective.

"All of you are an extension of us," she continued, dropping a truth bomb that left both my father and me astonished. "The father punishes, the mother nurtures, yet the mother decides who gets punished, for her heart holds the utmost love, while the father holds authority on how our children get punished to invoke his wisdom," she elucidated, unraveling the cosmic dynamics of divine governance.

Instead of the phoenix sent on her behalf, a crow appeared, circling before taking flight. "What does that mean?" I questioned, curiosity burning in my gaze.

"He accepted my invitation," Mortessa declared, her words carrying the weight of a cosmic pact with the Reaper himself.

Lorraine Farrenheights Tepes P.O.V

My heart raced as I approached Gabriel, the enigmatic figure who held the key to a secret that could unravel the fate of Lucifer and Valentine's youngest, Azrael.

"I know," I declared, locking eyes with Gabriel. His confusion mirrored in his furrowed brow as he tried to grasp the gravity of my revelation.

"He knows too," I added, gesturing towards my brother, Adrian, who stood nearby, his expression a mix of concern and disbelief.

"Know what?" Gabriel inquired, his voice laced with a tinge of urgency.

"Lucifer and Valentine's youngest, Azrael," I replied cryptically, leaving a trail of confusion in my wake. Gabriel's gaze darted between me and Valentine's parents, seeking answers that even they couldn't provide.

No one knew?

"This is why they left," Gabriel muttered to himself, the realization dawning on him like a storm gathering on the horizon.

"How do you know?" Valentine's father interjected, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

I clenched my teeth, the weight of my knowledge heavy on my shoulders, regret lingering in the air. "I had a vision."

"And you told the same person who took away their twins?" Gabriel's voice thundered, the accusation cutting through the tension like a knife.

"The twins are safe," I assured, desperation coloring my words. "I will make sure Adrian does not leave my sight."

Adrian Farrenheights Tepes P.O.V

Vanity's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as I unveiled her first quest. A secretive smile danced on my lips, feeding off the intrigue in the air.

"A child named Azrael," I began, choosing my words carefully, "a supernatural being that could unleash chaos during the Red Moon."

The weight of my words hung in the room, and Vanity's curiosity intensified. "I need you to dagger him," I commanded, the gravity of the task reflected in the solemnity of my tone.

"A sleeping death?" Vanity queried, a glimmer of understanding in her eyes. I nodded, confirming the nature of the perilous mission.

"Where is the child?" she pressed, her readiness to embark on the quest evident.

"My insights tell me they are in Malaysia, but the exact location eludes me," I divulged, a mysterious aura enveloping the room.

"Find the child registered in a school by the name of Azrael Morningstar," I instructed, laying out the first breadcrumb of her mission.

"Morningstar?" she echoed, a note of recognition coloring her voice. My raised eyebrow prompted her to explain.

"It's just, there's a warlock with the same surname," she admitted, casting a shadow of intrigue over the revelation.

"What's his first name?" I probed, a sense of urgency edging into my words.

Before Vanity could respond, Sypha, my loyal confidante, entered the room, her announcement cutting through the tension. "Oz demands a meeting with you."

Oz Wyltt P.O.V

"Whatever it is you're up to, stop it," I warned Adrian, my eyes narrowing with suspicion.

He turned, glancing past me to where Lorraine stood. A smirk played on his lips. "Really?" he mocked, clearly reveling in the chaos he had caused.

"Indulge me," He insisted, locking eyes with me.

"The more you fear something happening, the more likely it is to occur," I cautioned, attempting to reason with him.

"Really? Citing Murphy's law to me?" he scoffed, a self-satisfied grin on his face as a seasoned lawyer and judge.

"Let me teach you Gilbert's," he declared, redirecting the conversation. "When you take on a task, finding the best ways to achieve the desired result is always your responsibility."

"You think yours is the best way? It's far from being fair," I retorted, challenging his questionable methods.

"I don't operate on fairness," he cut in, unapologetic and resolute.

"Can't you see? Even the lady of the law has her eyes enclosed, and the scales tilted to show the imbalance of the world. I work under probable cause to minimize any form of liability," he justified, revealing a cold and calculated mindset.

"Your ego would be your greatest downfall," I scoffed, my patience wearing thin. In a moment of magical prowess, I immobilized him, surrounding his form with an impenetrable cage.

But something felt off. I sensed that he wasn't struggling against my spells as much as he could. With a swift motion, I released him, suspicion etched on my face. "You did something," I accused.

Adrian met my gaze, a sly smile playing on his lips. "You're too late."

"Leon!" I called urgently, and he sprinted towards me, eyes widening as he saw Adrian.

"I am about to tell you something which I should have said a long time ago," I began, ignoring Adrian's desperate attempts to silence me.

"No!" Adrian shouted, panic in his eyes.

I locked eyes with Leon, my tone grave. "I need you to listen to me and stop your twin, Vanity, from killing your youngest brother, Azrael," I revealed, the weight of the truth hanging heavily in the air.




- Valentine Winters

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