Chapter 36 The New Escort

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Zoe Lawson P.O.V

Theodore's voice sliced through the charged atmosphere. "Where are you taking her?" he demanded, his eyes drilling into Caleb.

Caleb turned to me for an answer. "Do you know him?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

"She does," Theodore responded on my behalf, a possessive edge to his tone.

"I see the leftover clearly moved on," one of Theodore's friends jeered from his side.

"Leftover?" I creased my eyebrows at the derogatory term.

Theodore shot an angry glance at his friend before focusing back on us. "She belongs to me," he declared with audacious certainty, his claim hanging in the air.

"I don't see a mark on her neck, and I suggest you step aside," Caleb warned, his stance unwavering.

Confusion etched across the faces of Theodore's friends at the mention of a mark.

"I don't want to fight," Theodore exclaimed, his desperation palpable.

"Neither do I," Caleb responded, his attention shifting back to me. "The choice is yours."

Theodore seemed to hang his hope on my decision, a silent plea in his eyes. Despite the longing to go back to what once was, I couldn't ignore the reality that returning to Theodore meant revisiting the pain that had shattered me. Even if we were bonded, I had accepted his rejection, freeing myself from the obligation that once bound me.

"Let's go," I replied, turning away from Theodore's hurt expression. Why did it matter now? The past had scarred me, and my choice to move forward was an affirmation of newfound strength and self-worth.

Aria Ashcroft P.O.V

As I stood before the assembly of witch hunters and werewolf hunters, I could feel the tension in the air. The murmurs of the crowd echoed in the cavernous space, and all eyes were fixed on me, the bearer of news from the United Nations. Little did they know, the revelation I was about to make would not only shake the foundations of their history but also unveil a tale of betrayal and stolen leadership.

"Before I share the news, let me take you on a journey through our history, a history that has been deliberately erased from the books," I declared, and the room fell into an anticipatory hush.

"The Argents were never the true leaders of your clan," I dropped the bomb, and gasps reverberated through the room. All eyes turned to the Pendragon family, as I revealed, "The round table being sat on right now was initiated by none other than Arthur Pendragon."

A wave of disbelief swept through the audience, but I pressed on, exposing the theft of leadership committed by the Argents. Before I could continue, a skeptical hunter from the crowd interrupted, demanding to know why this revelation was surfacing now.

"The time hasn't come for me to reveal the truth. Now, it has," I asserted. "What they have done has put our clans in jeopardy, and if the UN finds out, we would be erased."

As I delved deeper into the mystery, I demanded to know who had access to the forbidden potions, the key to understanding the impending danger. The name Kyle Raphael echoed through the room, and my gaze fixed on a man who introduced himself as Michaelangelo.

"Where is he?" I questioned.

"Dead," came the response, and another voice chimed in to introduce himself as Raphael, one of four brothers. The revelation unfolded like a dark family saga.

"Brothers?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Four of us," they confirmed. The brothers, Leonardo, and Donatello, proceeded to explain that Kyle Raphael had access to forbidden potions because he was the biological son of their former leader.

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