Fortunately Mandvi found the ring. But before taking her hands out of the milk, she whispered to the second prince- "Now you don't have to search for it, dear husband. Give your hands some rest. Because you are going to get controlled by me for the rest of your life."
By seeing the smirk on her face, he understood that the ring is in his wife's hand. But before Mandvi could take her hands out, he grabbed her fingers inside the milk. As a result she couldn't pull her hands out.
- "What are you doing..."
He whispered back- "Holding your hand, my love..."
Mandvi blushed. It was the very first time, that her husband called her that. But still her grip around the ring didn't loosen. Now all eyes were on them. "I won't let you win, Kushadhwaj Nandini..."- Bharat said proudly. "But I will defeat you, Kaikeyi nandan."- Mandvi said proudly.
"Threatening Kaikeyi nandan right infront of Kaikeyi, impressive..." - Kaikeyi said with her unique manner, which looked funny to others but the target (Mandvi) could saw the pointed arrow in the second queen's eyes.

Mandvi's grip loosen and it was a perfect chance for Bharat to take the ring away. But he clearly understood what his wife felt so without following his initial plan, he also loosen his grip around Mandvi's hands.
She looked at him with shock. And he whispered- "Take your hands out from the milk, Mandvi. Claim your victory."

Mandvi- "what...?"

Bharat- "You heard me..."

Both of them smiled at eachother and She took her hands up with the ring. Everybody cheered more. Because that was the most chaotic and intersting game among all four.

Urmila was desperately looking for the ring while Lakshman was just cherishing her beauty by his golden brown eyes.
"What are you doing Saumitra? Focus... " - Urmila whispered.
"That's what I'm doing Mila. Focusing on the right thing"- He whispered back.
She smiled but still his sudden love during a game was suspicious. He is not someone who would focus on other thing while a game is going on infront of him. Neither he would play this silly trick to divert his opponents mind by cheesy talks.. then what is in his mind....

Urmila deeply contemplated. But as his mother, Sumitra had understood what's her elder son was doing by being this calm. So she tried to signal Urmila.

By observing Sumitra's expression, Urmila understood that there is something mysterious going on in her husband's mind. First she didn't understand her mother in law's expression. But then the memory from that day popped up in her mind, when she had gone to welcome him and Ram for the royal lunch as Vidhikari. That day also he played a game.

If Lakshman would want, he could have throw the ball and break her stone tower, just at the moment when she put the first stone among seven. But he didn't do that. He waited.... He waited patiently, with this same type of beam on his face. And when Urmila was about to place the final and top most stone, he threw the ball and her tower scattered immediately.
Which means the victory was already in his hand, but he was just enjoying his opponent's struggle. And now she understood Sumitra's expression. Which meant, this time also the victory was already in his hand, because he had already found the ring. And he was just enjoying his lovely wife trying her best to win against him.

Urmila knew that it's nothing but an exceptional war tactic, which takes years and years to learn. And her husband has mastered it, where a warrior plays with his enemy's mind. Makes him believe that he is winning easily. But in reality the warrior waits for that one perticular moment when he shatters the enemy's strength in just one strike, that too at the peak moment when the enemy starts to believe that he had almost won. This is very useful during wars. Because the main strength of a warrior comes from it's mind. And this tactic defeats the opponent both physically and mentally by crushing his confidence of victory.

Now she understood that, this type of tactics of him are one of the thousand reasons, why Sumitra Nandan Lakshman has never lose to anyone. Why he himself is enough against entire army. Why he was selected as the head of state police. And why the strongest army of Aryavart (Army of Ayodhya) had choosen him as their future chief commander in general.

Happiness blended with pride on the canvas of Urmila's heart. Because she was going to learn so much from her husband. But at that moment, he was still her opponent. As a warrior herself, she also used another smart tactic. Which was known as the reverse strategy, where warrior cleaverly uses the exact tactics of his opponent against him and flips the situation in his favour. It was highly risky and doesn't work in every situation. But in that game, Urmila could smartly pull that off.

She kept searching and pretending that she hadn't understood his plans. As a result Lakshman kept thinking that he had already won.

She slowly took her hands towards his hand, where he was pretending to search. "Did you find it ? " - She asked.
"No Mila.. did you?" - He answered while hiding his smile.

"I guess, Mahadev wants you to win this time. Because you lost in the sword fight."- Urmila said with a sigh.

Lakshman answer confidently- "Maybe you are right, Mila. But you won that sword fight because you were using my Varun khadga."

His hands stopped the fake searching and his attention went to what Urmila said. So he started clarifying again. And it was the chance, Urmila looking for. Just like an eagle catches it's prey, Urmila snatched the ring out from his hand. And with a smirk she took her hands out from the milk with the ring.

Every body cheered and clapped for the third Raj vadhu.
"No it was cheating. You snatched the ring from my hand inside the milk..."- Lakshman hollered.

Sumitra came to Urmila and hugged her.
-"Stop accusing my daughter in law, Lakshman. She followed the rule, which was to took the ring out from the milk. It doesn't matter who touched the ring first inside the milk."

"Wow maa.. it's just her first day and you are already taking her side,"- Lakshman muttered.
Sumitra said with a smile- "Ofcourse, I'll always support my daughters.."
"Thanks maa.."- Urmila expressed and her mother in law kissed her forehead.
All were looking super proud of her. Except Kaikeyi, which again increased Urmila's heartbeat.

And in case of the youngest couple, Shatrughna found the ring but he took his hands out from the milk by holding Shrutkirti's hand, which was looking as if both of them found the ring together. All others clapped for them. Since it was the only normal and fair game among four. So they got praised as the lovy dovy couple.


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