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Becky's POV

I woke up in the morning but now I'm feeling more better. Luckily it's Saturday so I don't have anything to do just rest.

I go downstairs and go the dining area and I was surprised to see freen is still here.

"Oh sweety goodmorning are you feeling fine now?" Dad asked

"Yes dad more better" I said then kiss him on the cheeks.

"Good morning baby" freen said smirking. She's back on annoying me again huh?

"Good morning" I said since dad is here it will be rude.

I started putting food on my plate but freen who's besides me noticed I put few.

"You're eating just like that? Now you need more" she said then put more on my plate

I looked at her with a deadly glare but she just smile widely.

She know I can't do anything in front of dad.

" next time Becky don't go to class if your not feeling well. You making us worry. Luckily freen is in the university and too kind to take care of you while I'm still not home" he said

"Yes dad I won't do it again" I said the continued eating

"No worries uncle she's my girlfriend. So she's my responsibilities and thanks for letting me sleep here yesterday too" she said politely to dad

"Well I can't let you drive late at night without having enough sleep." He said

Oh so she's here till late night yesterday. I thought she go home after feeding me since I had fallen asleep that time.

"Oh freen can you accompany Becky on the hospital? Today was her scheduled check up to the doctor. I can't accompany her since I have a emergency meeting today" he said

Oh I almost forgot it's the last day of the month so I'm scheduled to go back again.

"Of course uncle anything for your daughter" she said

Really anything for me. She's really good at acting.

4hrs later...

Here we are in the hospital. She drove quietly earlier and just asked which hospital we will go.

We're now in front of the hospital.

"Miss chankimha you stay here. I can manage myself" I said

I don't want her to know more and pity me.

"No I will accompany you inside Becky. No more stubborness" she said seriously

I have nothing to do when she came too.

"Hmm miss freen are you not busy and you keep accompanying me?" I asked curiously. I know she's a busy business woman.

"No it's weekend..I don't work at weekends" she said

I just nodded and then here we are infront of my doctor's office.

I knocked and saw ms. Cargill. She's my doctor since 10 years old. She looks after me after the surgery.

Actually that's the reason I still need to go in the doctor every month. Even if I have the transplant we can't still be sure it won't be damage again.

She keeps monitoring me. My immune system wasn't strong enough to protect it. So she always give me medicine that can't effect my heart and can cure me.

"Oh good morning ms Armstrong and?.." she asked

"Oh she's miss chankimha my friend" I said immediately

"Yeah friend" freen said and rolled her eyes

What is she angry cause I introduce her as a friend?

The doctor motioned us to sit she asked few questions about me and then record it.

After that she gave me all the medicines I need. Its for the whole month.

"Thank you miss Cargill" I said then bowed a little bit

We then go out of the hospital and ride her car. I was surprised when we stop in a fine restaurant.

"Its almost lunch. Common let's grab some" she said

Wow now she's being nice. I just nodded and go down the car.

She ordered almost everything really. She waste money like this. There many children who can't eat geez.

But I enjoyed eating this pasta. A carbonara.

"Becky.." she said so I look at her and I was shocked when she wipe out my lips with a tissue

"You eat messy like a child" she said after that then remove her gaze to me.

"Can you tell me what's your illness? Why you have many medicine?" She asked

Should I tell hmm?..

Okay since she's being nice now..

"12 years ago my mom gave me her heart since I was born with a heart disease. But then even if I have a new heart my immune system cannot protect it so I need to go see the doctor every month to check if my heart still fine" I said

She look shocked and I can see her pity me.

"Oh common miss chankimha. I don't like you to pity me. I'm a strong woman I won't die early" I said kidding her

She then smiled on what I said

"Yeah you don't look to die early cause your a bad grass" she said then laughed on me

Wow did she really laugh like that? She should often laugh then cause she looks like an angel..

Wow did she really laugh like that? She should often laugh then cause she looks like an angel

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