Chapter 66 : Back to the cabin

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Chapter 66


Riker POV

"So how was your night?" Rocky asked, getting into bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, getting into my own bed.

"With Selena? We all saw you guys kissing in the pool."

I felt my cheeks turning red.

"Am I going to get in trouble?"

"No," Rocky said, laughing.

"Were you guys watching me or something?"

"Just me and Rydel. We thought it was cute. I'm just teasing you."

"Oh," I said, sighing in relief.

"So you really like Selena?"


"Do you love her?"

"Yeah," I said, smiling.

"Good. I'm glad you're happy, Riker. I need to tell you something though."


"Don't freak out. But I think we're going back to the cabin."


"I said don't freak out! I talked to dad. He just wants us to all spend some time together so we can get to know you. He's not going to make you swim. I made him promise. He's done with the tough love thing. Really. So I really want you to try to get to know everyone, ok?"

"Not Mark."

"Stop calling him that and call him dad."

"No. He's not my dad."

"Yes, he is!"


"Riker, I know you haven't really had any good experiences with him, but he's a really good dad. I promise. You just need to get to know him."

"I don't want to know him."

"I know, but I want you to."

I laid down and turned so I was facing the wall.


"Stop. I don't want to go back to the cabin. I want to plan a special date for me and Selena."

Rocky sighed. But I don't care. I don't want a relationship with Mark.

The next day...

Riker POV

I was stuck in the back of the van with Rocky. We were on our way back to that stupid cabin. Mark and Stormie took everyone's phones so that we had to hang out with each other. And I was really annoyed. I finally feel like mine and Selena's relationship is going really well, and now I can't even talk to her.

Finally we got to the cabin. Rocky led me up to the loft. He said I could sleep in the same bed I'd been sleeping in. All of us were sleeping in the loft, except Mark and Stormie who were sleeping in the bedroom up here.

It was about dinner time, so Stormie left to go to the grocery store to get some food.

"Riker, come here," Mark called from downstairs.

I looked at Rocky.

"Go. You'll be fine. I promise," Rocky said.

I rolled my eyes and went downstairs to the living room.

"Since we're going to be staying here for a little while, I need you to help me chop wood."


"To keep the cabin warm. Now that it's almost fall, it can get cold here in the mountains at night."

"You already have chopped wood under the deck."

"Well it wouldn't hurt to chop some more."

I sighed.

"Come with me," Mark said.

I followed him out the door. I went down the steps and I could see some of my blood on the ground near the broken glass.

"Over here," Mark said.

I walked over to him.

"You can pick up the pieces of wood and go stack them after I chop them, ok?"


Mark started chopping wood. I didn't like being out here alone with him. And I didn't like that he was making me do this.

"Now you come try," Mark said, holding the ax out to me.

"I can't," I said.


"I don't want to try."

"Come here."

I walked over and took the ax. It was really heavy.

"You want to stand with your feet apart, and then swing the ax over and hit the wood."

"It's too heavy," I said, looking at him like he was crazy.

If he really thinks I'm capable of this, he's wrong.

"I'll show you. Stand with your feet apart," Mark said.

I moved my feet further apart. Mark came up behind me and put his arms around me so that his hands were over my hands on the handle of the ax. I really didn't like him this close to me. I felt trapped.

"Now pick up the ax," he said, helping me hold it up.

His hands were tight over mine.

"Now swing."

He helped me swing the ax down and I was shocked when it actually hit the wood and split it in half.

Mark picked up the pieces and put a new piece in front of me.

"Now you try," he said.

I picked it up. It was really wobbly in my hands because it was heavy. I swung and of course missed.

"That's ok. Try again," Mark said.

I lifted it up again and swung. And missed.

"One more time," Mark said.

I was getting really frustrated. I swung it again and actually hit the piece of wood, but it didn't split. The ax just got stuck in the top of it. And the handle of the ax hit my arm right where my cut was. And it hurt.

"Why don't you try one more time," Mark said.

"I'm not strong enough to do this!"

I pulled up my sleeve and looked at my cut. It wasn't bleeding. But it still hurt.

"What happened? Did you hurt yourself?" Mark asked, coming over.

"The handle bumped into my cut and it hurts," I mumbled.

"Ok, why don't you take a break and go inside for a little bit."

I walked back up the stairs and went inside. I sat down on the couch and then looked out the window, watching him. He wasn't chopping more wood. He was picking up the pieces of broken glass that were out there.

I sighed and leaned back against the couch and closed my eyes. I'm really not enjoying this stupid trip. I don't care if Rocky said he wasn't going to make me swim. He's making me do other things that I don't want to do.

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