Chapter 38 : Rocky

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Chapter 38


Riker POV

I made it through dinner. Mark and Stormie didn't try to make me talk that much, so I was glad about that.

Since I had told Rocky earlier that I liked movies, Mark and Stormie decided we would have a movie night tonight. I wasn't very happy about it because now I'm stuck for like 2 hours on the couch with basically strangers.

I was sitting next to Rocky. I know he's my brother, but he doesn't feel like it.

Halfway through the movie, I got up because I had to use the bathroom. When I opened the door, Rocky was waiting outside for me.

"Are you ok?" Rocky asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't sitting on the bathroom floor being nervous, like earlier."

"Oh... No. I'm ok."


He walked with me back to the couch. I was kind of surprised that he was worried about me. I'm not used to people worrying about me.

I was getting really tired because the movie wasn't very interesting and the lights were off, so it was dark.

I'm just going to close my eyes for a minute...


Riker POV

I opened my eyes, feeling someone gently shaking me. It was Rocky.

"The movie is over," he said.


Everyone was getting up and going to the kitchen. I slowly got up and was about to go upstairs when Stormie called me into the kitchen. I sighed and slowly walked over.

"How are you feeling, honey?" Stormie asked.

"Um... Still a little nervous," I said, looking at the floor.

"Do you need anything before bed?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Ok, why don't you go try to get some sleep then."


I slowly walked upstairs. Rocky was already in his pjs and in bed. But he was on his phone.

I got my change of clothes and went to change in the bathroom. And then I grabbed my phone and went back to the bathroom so I could call Curt.

I sat on the floor with my back against the door and called him. It rang and rang and he never picked up, which sent a wave of panic through my body. So I called him again, and this time he answered.


"I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to sleep tonight," I said.


"I'm too nervous! They should've just had me over for dinner, not a sleepover! I'm way too nervous!"

"Ok, so what do you want me to do? Do you want me to come get you?"

I thought for a minute. Maybe I don't.

"I don't know. Because if you come get me, are they going to make me do a redo since I didn't spend the night?"

"I don't know."

"Well then maybe you shouldn't because I don't want to do this again."

"Ok, then how are you ever going to fall asleep?"

"I'm just not going to."


I heard knocking on the door, so I hung up on Curt and stood up. I unlocked it and opened it, and it was Rocky.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm just making sure you're ok since you weren't earlier."

"Oh... Thanks...?"

I followed him back to our room and got back in bed. I kind of don't like that Rocky is checking up on me. I want to be able to have time alone.

I'll just wait until he falls asleep and then I can call Curt again.

I laid down and decided I would just play games on my phone to pass the time. But apparently that's what Rocky was doing too. And it was taking forever for him to fall asleep. I was getting really annoyed about it.

After probably an hour, I got up and locked myself in the bathroom again. I sat down on the floor and called Curt.


"I don't know what to do."

"About what?"

"I was waiting for Rocky to fall asleep so I could call you, but he hasn't, and I'm getting annoyed. So I decided to call you anyway because he was taking too long."

"Ok, well what are you calling about?"

"I don't know what to do! Am I just supposed to lay in bed all night awake?"

"You know, you could try falling asleep. You might surprise yourself and actually fall asleep."

"I don't want to."

"Why not? It would help you pass the time quicker."

"What if I have a nightmare? What if I wake up, screaming? Do you know how embarrassing that would be? I would wake up the whole house!"

"How often do you have nightmares?"

"Not very often, but I'm just scared it's going to happen tonight."

"So then do you want me to come get you?"

"I don't know! I don't want to have to redo the stupid sleepover! What would you do?"

"I would probably just try to fall asleep."


"Really. Then it'll be morning before you know it and then you'll have breakfast, and then you can come back to my house."

"Well I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep..."

"Just do your best. Is Rocky nice?"

"Um... Yeah, I guess... He keeps knocking on the door when I'm in the bathroom talking to you because he's worried about me."

"Why is he worried?"

"Because I locked myself in the bathroom during dinner and didn't come out for a while. And then I um... I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Riker, what happened? What did you do? Did you cut?"

I hung up on him and opened the bathroom door. Sure enough, Rocky was there waiting for me again.

"What are you doing? Calling people on the phone in there?" Rocky whispered.

"I was calling my best friend," I whispered back.

"You can call him from our room. You don't have to go hide in the bathroom to do it."

I walked past him back to our room. And I got back in bed.

"Why are you calling your friend so much tonight?"

"Because I'm nervous. You already know that," I mumbled.

"Well are you ok?"

"I don't really know."

"Well is there anything I can do?"

"I don't think so."

"Ok. Well if there ever is, just let me know, ok?"


I turned over so I was facing the wall instead. And I started playing more games on my phone again.

I was wondering what Stormie and Mark had told their kids about me. Did they tell them about my panic attack? Was Rocky anticipating me having one?

Whatever. I don't care. He can just mind his own business.

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