Chapter 56 : Rocky at Curt's house

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Chapter 56

Rocky POV  

I went to Curt's window and knocked, hoping he'd let me stay here because I really need someone to talk to who knows what's going on.

"Rocky? Where's Riker? What are you doing here?" Curt asked, opening his window.

"Can I stay here tonight? I really can't be at home right now," I said, trying not to start crying again.

"Yeah, of course. What's going on?"

"I'm really worried about Riker."

Riker POV

When we finally got to the cabin, it was really late. I hadn't spoken the whole time in the car, except to ask to stop somewhere with a bathroom.

Mark took my phone so I couldn't talk to anyone except him and Ross. He wouldn't tell me how long we were staying here either. I guess it depends on what happens.

I followed Ross upstairs to the loft. There were a few beds up there and a bedroom that Mark was staying in. I took one bed in the loft and Ross took another. He hadn't really said much today either. And neither did Mark.

I don't really know what Mark is expecting this vacation to accomplish, but I guarantee it's going to do absolutely nothing for my relationship with anybody.

I got changed into my pjs and then got into bed. All I want to do is sleep and pretend this isn't really happening.


Rocky POV

"He took his phone, so he can't even text me. Or you. And what if dad pushes him too far on something? Like swimming? There's a lake at our cabin. What if he tries to force him into doing something he's scared of, and he decides to cut and cut even more, and not even care. And what if it gets to the point where he gets sloppy and cuts too deep or too much and he can't tell anybody, and our cabin is in the middle of nowhere so he can't just walk to the hospital himself-"

"Rocky, slow down."

I took a deep breath.

"Do you really think Riker would cut? Has he done it recently?"

"The most recent was just one cut and that was when Ross pushed him in the pool. Oh god, what if dad forces him to show him his wrists and he finds out he cuts and yells at him for it!?"

"I know you're worried. But if he took Riker's phone, there's nothing you can do except wait for them to come back. And be ready to comfort Riker after whatever happens."

"This is so unfair. I can't believe he's doing this to him."

Curt put his arm around me.

"I know you're worried, but Riker's been dealing with an abusive father for most of his life. And he's made it this far, basically all on his own. I know he seems like he's just going to fall apart, but he's had practice with dealing with his own anxiety and fears. He might be a complete mess by the time they all get back, but I think he'll be ok. And if he does cut, I think he'll consider everything he's been through. He wants to stop doing it. So maybe he won't."

"I just wish I could've gone with them."

"I know. But all you can do now is hope for the best and wait and see what happens. And if something bad happens when he gets back, you can call me, and I'll be there if you want me to."

"These are just going to be a couple of really hard days, not knowing what's going on with him."

"Well if it would make you feel any better, I'm always here if you need to talk or stay the night, or whatever you need, ok? Just let me know."


I hugged him tight and then he helped me make a bed on the floor with some pillows and blankets. I don't think I ever would've imagined having a sleepover with Riker's best friend without Riker, but here I am. Literally trusting someone I barely know, more than my own family members.

Curt put on a movie to try to help distract me from my own thoughts. I laid down and just tried not to think about what Riker was up to right now. But it was really hard. I closed my eyes, and eventually fell asleep.

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