Chapter 53 : Finding Riker

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Chapter 53

Riker POV  

I decided to go to Selena's house since I figured the Lynch's would check Curt's house. I wasn't exactly sure if Selena would be happy to see me or not, but I was hoping she'd at least let me stay there for the night.

When I got to her house, I softly knocked on her window. And she opened it.

"Riker, what are you doing here?"

"Please, can I come in?"

"Of course."

She held her hand out to me, so I took it and she helped me in.

"What's going on? Why are you soaking wet and in your swimsuit?"

"Because one of my stupid siblings decided it would be funny to push me in the pool, even though they all know I don't know how to swim. So I ran away."

"Aren't they going to be looking for you?"

"Probably. That's why I came here and not Curt's house because they know Curt."


"So could I possibly stay the night?"

"Yeah, of course Riker."

"So you're not mad?"

"No. Curt told me what happened."

"Oh, ok."

"Let me go get you a towel."

Selena got me a towel and I wrapped it around my waist. And then we both sat down on her bed. She was looking at her phone, but I was sort of just staring at her. I miss her so much...

Selena looked up from her phone at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, laughing.

I sighed.

"Because I really wish I could kiss you right now."

"Well then do it."

I slowly leaned forward and we kissed. But I was confused.

"I thought we broke up," I said.

"Well... Here's the thing. I think maybe I was taking our relationship too seriously, and thinking we had to spend a certain amount of time together. But maybe it should just be a more casual thing, and we can just see each other when we have time, even if it's not that often. I mean, if you still wanted to be my boyfriend."

"Yes! I'd love to still be your boyfriend!" I said, smiling.

Selena put her hand on my cheek and kissed me again. I couldn't stop smiling. And I almost forgot about the situation with the Lynch's. Almost.

And then there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Selena, the police are here! They have questions for you about Riker!" Her mom called.

"Go hide in the closet!" She whispered.

I got up and hid in her closet. I made sure to squeeze all the way in the back, behind a bunch of clothes in case the police searched her room.

I couldn't hear what Selena was saying because she was in another room. I know the police are looking for me. But I don't want to go back.

After a few minutes, Selena came back in, shut the door, and came to get me from the closet.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"They're looking for you. They checked Curt's house. I told them I didn't know where you were. You left your phone in your bedroom, so they can't trace it. They asked where else you might be hanging out, so I told them the diner to stall for time. I know you don't want to go back, but you're going to have to at some point."

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