Chapter 1 : Moving

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Chapter 1

Riker POV 

Today is the day we move into our new house. I wasn't particularly excited. I had to leave my best friend at my old school and I won't know anybody here. It's summer so I won't have to worry about school and making new friends for a while. But I kind of wish we didn't move in the first place. Dad said we had to move for his job.

We hired movers so we didn't have to move a million boxes, but we did have to unpack them.

After a very long car ride, we finally got to our new house.

When we got there, dad unlocked the door and we went in. It was super hot inside. Dad said he had to call to get our electricity put on. It was really hot outside too and I was dreading doing anything in this heat.

When we packed, we labeled all the boxes with what room they need to go in, so it would be easier to unpack. The movers had dropped off the moving truck full of our stuff in the driveway. Dad opened up the back of it.

"Get started unpacking the truck and bring the boxes in. I'm going to call and see if I can get the power turned on," dad said, walking back inside.

I started grabbing boxes and bringing them inside to whatever room was written on the top of each box.

I spent probably an hour bringing boxes in and dad was still on the phone with the power company. I think they keep putting him on hold and transferring him to different people so it's taking forever.

I went to get another box. It was super heavy and I was getting so hot that I fell down on my knees and put the box down. I started feeling really weak and sick. I think I'm getting too hot out here.

I laid down in the grass and closed my eyes. The grass felt cool against my skin and made me feel slightly better. I laid there for a few minutes until I heard footsteps. I sat up immediately, scared it was dad coming to yell at me for slacking off. But it wasn't. It was a girl who looked around my age.

"You looked hot, so I brought you some water," she said, handing me a bottle of water.

"Thanks," I said, taking it.

I opened it and drank about half of it. It wasn't just water, it was cold water. And it felt like just the thing I needed.

"My name's Selena," she said, smiling.

"I'm Riker," I said, screwing the cap back on the bottle of water.

"So you just moved here?"

She sat down in the grass next to me.

"Yeah, me and my dad just moved here."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"No. It's just me and my dad."

"Well that's still cool."

"Yeah. We just don't have power to the house yet."

"Oh... Really?"

"Yeah, my dad's been on the phone for like an hour, trying to get them to turn it on. When he bought the house, the seller gave him instructions on how he could simply call the power company once we got here and they'd turn the power on, but I guess it wasn't as simple as it seemed."

"So you guys don't have water or anything then?"


"Well if you or your dad need anything like water, just let us know. My parents are happy to help too if your dad needs help with anything."

"Thanks. And thanks for the water. I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, no problem. I'll let you get back to unpacking. I'll see you later."


She went back inside her house. We lived in a pretty quiet area with not very many neighbors, but her house was pretty close to our house. But we had a lot of woods in our backyard and I was glad because I liked to go for walks outside to help with stress.

I picked up the box that I'd put on the ground and brought it inside. Dad wasn't on the phone anymore.

"So are they turning our electricity on?" I asked.

"Yeah. They said it should be on in a few hours."



"But it's really hot out."

"So? What do you think people did before air conditioning?"

"I don't know."

"They just dealt with it."

I sighed and went back outside. Dad came with me and started helping me with the boxes. We were probably only a quarter of the way done taking boxes out of the moving truck. This is literally going to take all day.

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