Chapter 49 : Warming up

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Chapter 49

The next day... 

Rocky POV

I was so proud of Riker for finally warming up to me, at least. Not really anyone else. But yesterday I convinced him to go surfing once. He didn't even have trouble eating dinner last night. And no nightmares either.

Today was our last day here and then we leave tomorrow. So today was just another beach day. Everyone was at the beach right now. They were all about to come back for dinner, but I really wanted to try to call Riker's best friend before he got here.

I found his phone and looked at his contacts. He only had 3 and I was one of them. I clicked on Curt's name.


"Is this Riker's best friend?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"This is Rocky, Riker's brother."

"Oh. Is Riker ok?"

"Yeah. Well kind of. Um... Why haven't you called him?"

"We got in a fight. I didn't think he'd want to talk to me."

"He does. He really misses you and he's really upset."

"Oh... I had no idea."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Did his girlfriend break up with him to date you?"

"No. That's not what happened at all. His ex broke up with him because her dad died and she doesn't have a lot of free time and she's just not in a good place right now. She needs time to herself."

I heard footsteps and then Riker walked in.

"Who are you calling on my phone?" He asked, walking over.

"Your best friend."

I put it on speaker and handed it to Riker.



"Are you mad at me?"

"No, I'm not mad."

"You never called."

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"No, I do. I miss you!"

"I miss you too. Did you want to hang out or talk or something?"

"I'm on vacation right now, but I'm going home tomorrow. I want to hang out when I get back."

"Ok, sure."

"Ok, I have to get ready for dinner so I have to go, but will you text me?"

"Yeah. I'm glad you're not mad."

"Well I'm glad you're not mad."

"Ok, bye Riker."


Riker hung up and then looked at me.

"Why'd you call him?"

"Because you wanted him to call."

"Yeah, but I wanted him to call without you making him call."

"I wasn't going to make him call. I just wanted him to know that you weren't mad. You were really sad about the whole thing."

"Yeah, I was... Ok, well then thanks. Nobody has ever tried to help me with something like that before."

Riker hugged me tight.

"So you're hungry? You're coming to dinner?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, smiling a little.


Rocky POV

I was really surprised with how things went tonight. Riker came outside after dinner when dad made a campfire and he had smores with us. He hasn't really been talking at dinner, or really at all to anyone else, but I was glad he was still hanging out with us.

"So what's the plan? Are you going to hang out with Curt when we get back home tomorrow?" I asked.

Riker got into bed and laid down facing me.

"Yeah. Unless we get back super late, then probably not."

"How are you feeling about the rest of our family?"

"Like parents and siblings?"


"Um... Ross is kind of annoying and he's making me scared that he's going to find out about my cutting. I haven't really gotten to know Rydel or Ryland, so I don't really know how I feel about them."

"What about our parents?"

"Um... Well I guess Stormie is ok, but I kind of just want nothing to do with Mark."

"Why won't you call them mom and dad?"

"Because they don't feel like my mom and dad. And to be honest, I don't really want a mom and dad. I'm too scared."

"I know you're scared. But mom and dad are nice. I promise. They won't hurt you. Don't you believe me? No one has hurt you so far."

"I'm probably not going to trust them for a very long time."

"Ok, well then maybe you can get to know some more of our siblings first."

"Not Ross."

"It doesn't have to be Ross. It can be whoever you want."

"Ok, but not today. And not tomorrow."

"That's fine. Take your time. We don't need to rush into this."

Riker pulled his blankets over himself.

"I'm tired. Can we go to sleep?" He asked.

"Yeah. Wake me up if you need anything."


"Goodnight, Riker."


WindowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora