Chapter 3 : Unpacking

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Chapter 3

The next day... 

Riker POV

Dad had gone to the store to get a few things before he went to work. He left me with cereal and stuff to make sandwiches for lunch.

I did some unpacking in my room first so I could move my bed to a better spot. It was still next to the window, but against another wall too so my pillow didn't fall off. I really wanted to get my bathroom unpacked, so I did that next. I organized everything so it was nice and neat.

And then I got to work on the rest of the house. My room can wait. I just don't want to get in trouble.

I decided to start in the kitchen because I feel like that might be the easiest. I unpacked all the dishes and silverware and put them all away in drawers and cabinets. It took me a few hours, but I got everything put away in the kitchen.

I was really hungry, so I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I didn't know what I wanted to do next. I thought maybe unpacking the stuff for the bathroom in the main part of the house wouldn't be too hard either, so I decided on that.

Dad's in charge of unpacking his own room and bathroom so he can do it how he wants. But I could do anything else in the house. But what should I do next?

I was getting really tired. And my back was starting to hurt. It was still sore from the other night and picking up heavy boxes was making it worse.

Dad was going to be home in about an hour. I'm really tired. So I'm just going to go lay down for a little while and hope that I unpacked enough.


Selena POV

I hadn't seen Riker today. But he was probably busy getting settled into his new house. Next time I see him I think I'm going to ask him for his number so we can hang out.

It wasn't too hot tonight, so I had my bedroom window open. And so did Riker. So I could hear some noises coming from his house. It mostly sounded like tape being ripped off of boxes and I could hear Riker and his dad talking a little bit too, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I decided I just wanted to sit on my bed and draw for the rest of the night. I'm trying to get into an art program at school when I go back after summer, and I need a bunch of good drawings to submit in order to get into the program.

I started working on a drawing that I'd been working on for a while and got lost in my thoughts about Riker. I'm just so curious about him and his dad.

But I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard yelling from next door.

Riker POV

"You did 2 rooms? One of the rooms was the bathroom and that's small! You should've been able to unpack more than that! You had all day!"

He'd gotten a little drunk during dinner, so I was getting scared.

"Why did you think that was acceptable?" Dad yelled.

"I-I'm sorry. It just took a long time," I said, backing up a little.

Dad came closer and shoved me backwards. I tripped on a box that was behind me. I tried to grab onto some other boxes to keep my balance, but I ended up falling and pulling down stacks of boxes on top of myself. One of the boxes hit me in the face and it really hurt. I heard dad slam the door to his bedroom, so I knew I was safe for now.

I pushed the boxes off of me and stood up. My nose really hurt from that box falling on me. I was kind of worried that it was broken. It was starting to bleed, so I went to my room and shut the door. I locked it too in case dad got mad again. I went to my bathroom, grabbed some tissues, and held them gently to my nose.

I looked at myself in the mirror. A bruise was starting to form under my eye and on the side of my nose.

I felt tears starting to sting my eyes, so I just tried to blink them away.

I waited for my nose to stop bleeding and then got ready for bed. I know it's early, but I'm tired and upset and in pain.

I shut my light off, got into bed, and laid down.

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