Chapter 30 : Diner Date

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Chapter 30


Curt POV

Riker seemed a little happier after we had dinner at the diner. And I was glad. The happier I can make him, hopefully the less likely he is to want to cut.

After dinner, we went back to my house and Riker just wanted to watch movies for the rest of the night, which was fine with me.



"How are you feeling now? Like about cutting?"

"Um... I still kind of want to, but not as much as before. It's finally starting to sink in that I never have to get hit by dad again. I'm just scared for my real parents."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. The police called. My parents said that they want you to come into the police station tomorrow to give your statement and talk about moving in with your real parents."

"How soon do you think they're going to make me move in with them?"

"I don't know. I think maybe that depends on what you tell them tomorrow."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, if you say you're really anxious and scared, maybe they won't make you move in so soon."

"That's a good idea. And I wouldn't be lying because that's the truth."


"I have a question."


"What if my dad says he didn't hurt me, and says he didn't kidnap me? Are they going to believe me if I say he did hurt me?"

"You can show them your burn as proof. And they can DNA test you to prove you're not his son. I don't think you should worry about it."

"Ok. Do you think maybe you could come with me tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Thanks... Do you think you could make us some popcorn?"

I laughed.

"Sure, Riker."

"Why are you laughing?"

"Sometimes you're just so random. I'm glad you have an appetite though."


Riker POV

I was getting really tired. It was late, and we've been watching movies all night.



"I'm falling asleep."

"That's fine."

"Will you wake me up for the police?"


"Ok. I'm falling asleep."

I snuggled down under the blankets even more and buried my face in Curt's side.



"One more question before you fall asleep."


"How are you feeling about cutting right now?"

"I'm too tired to want to do it."

"Ok, good. Maybe you still won't want to do it in the morning."

The next day...

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