Chapter 20 : A talk with Curt

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Chapter 20

Selena POV      

Riker kissed me back, so that's a good sign. When we broke apart, we stared into each others eyes. And then Riker looked down and started smiling.

"I've never done that before," Riker said, softly.

"Was that ok?"

"Yeah," he said, looking back up at me again.

I put my hand up on his cheek again.

"Promise me you'll help me get through these next few days dealing with my dad's death."

"Of course. Promise."

I hugged him tight.

"Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" Riker asked.

"I meant every word."

"Well I love you too."

"Oh my god! You guys almost gave me a heart attack!" Curt said, looking at us through his window.

We turned so we could see him.

"Sorry, that was a bad choice of words. Why are you guys out here?"

"I just needed some air, and Riker came with me to make sure I was ok," I said.

"Well are you ok?" Curt asked.

"For now. But I might not be when I have to go to my dad's funeral."

"Come on. You guys need more sleep."

Riker and I climbed back into Curt's room through the window and got back in his bed. Curt turned the lights back off and got into his bed on the floor. Riker and I laid down, facing each other. I pulled Riker closer and kissed him again, silently, making him smile. And then I shut my eyes. Riker is the only thing in the world that could've made my dad's death any easier.


Riker POV

Selena had to go home to help her mom with some stuff with her dad. But she promised she would come back to Curt's house when she was done so she wouldn't be alone. I was staying at Curt's all day. We still hadn't figured out a plan for me and handling my dad.

Curt had gone to get some lunch for us in the kitchen. But I was staying in his room so his parents wouldn't know I'm here. And I felt like I could actually relax for once. I didn't have to worry that at any moment my dad would come in and hit me.

Curt came back with a sandwich and bag of chips.

"My parents asked if I'd seen you," Curt said, setting the plate with the sandwich down between us.

"What do you mean?"

"Your dad is looking for you. So I only made one sandwich so they wouldn't be suspicious. But if they come and knock on my door, you need to hide."


"In my bathroom. Like in the shower behind the shower curtain."


Curt and I each had half of the sandwich and shared the bag of chips.

"So what was Selena saying last night when you guys were outside?"

"We talked a lot about our problems."

"Did she seem ok?"

"She's really hurting right now. I think she just needs time. Losing a parent is a lot."

"Are you ok?"

"I'm freaking out about my dad."

"Ok, but what about your wrist?"

"It's sore."

"Do you still feel like cutting?"

"Not right now."

"We should clean your wrist and make sure none of your stitches or cuts are getting infected."

Curt took me to the bathroom and unwrapped my wrist. He gently cleaned my wrist, which had a lot of dried blood on it. He put on some antibacterial cream and then bandaged it up again.

"Was Selena saying anything else?" Curt asked.

"No. I mean... Nothing else relating to her dad."

"Ok... But she said something else then?"

"Well... Yeah."


"Um... She said she loved me."

Curt looked at me, confused.

"Why would she say that?"

"I don't know. I guess she really likes me for some reason. I mean, she said I was perfect, and I still don't understand how she could think that because I'm a complete mess, and my scars look terrible."

"So what? Are you guys like dating now or something?"

"I don't know."

"So she just said she loved you, and that's it?"

"Well... She kissed me too. Why are you asking me all this?"

"Just to keep up with what's going on with her."


"Let's watch a movie or something."


Curt put on a movie. We sat on his floor, watching it. He seemed mad though. I was scared it was something I did, and that just made me start spiraling and worrying that he would kick me out of his house.

So I just sat there quietly, not wanting to say or do anything else wrong. 

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