Chapter 55 : Rocky's angry

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Chapter 55

The next day...   

Riker POV

Mark called a family meeting first thing in the morning at breakfast. I was basically trapped at the table with everyone. My heart was racing and I felt sick to my stomach from the anticipation.

"So, let's get right into this. Clearly we have some trust issues in this house," Mark said.

I tensed up. I'm scared he's going to punish me.

"So I have an idea so we can get to know each other. Ross, Riker, and I will be leaving for a vacation at our cabin for a little while so we can spend some time together and hopefully build some trust. We will be leaving tonight, so after breakfast, I want you two to pack."

I felt really light headed. There's no way I'm going to survive this. My fingers felt like they were going numb, and everything sounded all echoey. And then my vision started going dark.

Rocky POV

Riker fell out of his chair and hit the floor pretty hard. I immediately jumped up. I was becoming really mad at dad.

Mom got up too and got an ice pack for his forehead.

"This is your fault! Why would you force him to do something like that!?" I yelled.

"Rocky, keep your voice down."

"He is going to hate you!"

"Go to your room, Rocky."

"This isn't fair!"

"Go to your room."

I stormed upstairs. He really thinks he's going to force Riker to trust him? He never will.

Riker POV

I opened my eyes and felt super dizzy. Stormie and I were on the floor. And my head really hurt.

Everyone was staring at me from the kitchen table. I started to cry, remembering about the cabin.

"Riker, honey, it's ok. What hurts? Your head?" Stormie asked.

I sat up and put my hand on the back of my head where it really hurt. Did I fall on the floor when I passed out?

Stormie gently put her hand on my back. Everyone was still staring at me.

I got up and bolted upstairs to my room. And I was very surprised to see Rocky crying.

I wiped my tears and went over to sit next to him on his bed.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, trying to calm myself down.

"We used to be such a happy family. And then we found out we had this long lost brother. Everyone was so excited to meet you. I understand you're nervous and scared of dad and everything, but dad is literally ruining our family."

"I'm sorry for being scared."

"It's not your fault. It's dad fault for treating you like this. How are you going to trust him if he does stuff like this?"

"I'm not going to."

"Exactly. We're never going to be this big happy family ever again."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Riker."

He pulled me into a tight hug. I wish I could just be family with Rocky. Nobody else. Well... Maybe Rydel. And maybe Stormie. And I don't even really know Ryland.

I thought when my old dad got arrested, that was the end of being scared all the time. But I was wrong.

Rocky laid down on his bed with me in his arms. I don't think either of us are hungry for breakfast anymore.


Rocky POV

Normally I say goodnight to mom and dad before bed. But dad's not here, and I'm kind of mad that mom's not doing anything about how he's treating Riker. So I got in bed without saying anything.

So of course, mom had to come in and find me.

"Rocky, you've been very quiet today," she said, sitting down on the end of my bed.

I stayed silent. I really don't want to talk right now.

"Is this about Riker?"

"This is about dad."

"He's just trying to-"

"He's ruining this family."


"You know what? He's already lost Riker. Riker's never going to trust him. Maybe if he actually understood and knew what Riker's been through, he wouldn't be treating him like that. But if he keeps doing that to Riker, he's going to lose me too."

"What do you mean, he's going to lose you?"

"I'm not going to act like how he's treating Riker is ok. I'm not taking his side. I'm taking Riker's. And that's not how he should be acting towards him."

Mom sighed.

"You obviously have a much better idea of what Riker's been through than we do. You two seem very close."

"We are."

"Could you tell me what's going on with him?"

I took a deep breath.

"I can tell you some stuff, but I promised him I wouldn't tell a few things. So you'll have to ask him yourself if you really want to know everything."

"Ok, then just tell me what you can."

"Well what do you know about him?"

"I know that his fake father hit him."

"Anything else?"

"He kidnapped him at birth."


"I think it's natural to be a little nervous if you come from an abusive household, but it just seems like Riker's being dramatic about it."

"He's not. And I don't care if you think he is or you don't believe me. He's not. You're not the one that feels his entire body trembling when something happens. You don't see him panicking. Or crying. Or even trying to get in control of his own emotions and mental health. I can't say too much more, but if dad keeps pushing it, it'll be the biggest mistake he'll ever make. And he'll really lose Riker."

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

"I can't tell you. You'll need to talk to Riker if you really care."

"Rocky, I don't appreciate your attitude."

"It's not attitude! I'm angry! You two aren't listening to me and Riker! We're telling you that dad is going too hard. And neither of you care!"

"How is he going too hard? He only asked Riker to come to meal times and participate in stuff like movie nights."

"Forcing him to go to the cabin with him and Ross!?"

"He'll be fine, Rocky."

"You don't know that."

"Your father won't let anything bad happen."

"It's not a matter of dad not letting something bad happen."

"Then what is it, Rocky?"

"I can't tell you!" I said, breaking into tears.

"Rocky, you know you can tell me anything."

"I promised Riker I wouldn't."

"You don't have to keep that promise."

"I don't trust you to not make the situation worse if I tell you what's going on. You're siding with dad, not me and Riker."

Mom sighed.

"Can I please go stay at a friend's house tonight? I really don't want to be here."




I got my shoes on and left, not even saying goodbye. I walked right out the front door, barely caring about anything anymore.

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