Chapter 11 : Staying the night

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Chapter 11

Riker POV     

My stomach was growling and I was starting to feel a bit dizzy from not eating for so long. When is Curt bringing me food?

Just as I was wondering when Curt would arrive, I heard quiet tapping on my window.

I got up, feeling super dizzy at first. I steadied myself and then opened the window.

"Sorry. I'm a bit dizzy," I said, holding onto the edge of the windowsill.

"Why?" Curt asked.

"I'm just really hungry."

Curt came in and put a bag on my bed.

"Are you sure you're ok? You're kind of shaky," Curt said, taking my arm and leading me back to my bed.

"Just hungry."

We both sat down on my bed and Curt handed me the bag. There was a burger and fries inside.

"Thank you so much," I said, starting to eat.

"You're welcome. But um... Since I brought you food, could I ask you for a favor?"

"Yeah. What is it?"

"I'm really worried about Selena."

"How's her dad?"

"Not good. They don't know what's wrong. He's been unconscious since his heart attack and won't wake up. Her mom is staying at the hospital tonight, but she came home. I really don't think she should be alone, but she wouldn't let me stay with her. Maybe she'd let you stay with her."

"Why are you so worried about her though? I mean, I know she's upset. But why are you worried?"

"I don't want to say, because she should really tell you this herself. But about a year ago, her dad was in the hospital for another heart complication. And let's just say... Well... I found out that she has depression and has had it for a while and she's just really good at hiding it."

"Really? I would've never guessed. She seems so happy."

"I know. And... I should just let her tell you, but let's just say, she almost did something really bad because of how depressed she got from her dad being in the hospital. And I don't want that to happen again."

"So you want me to go try to talk to her? Or spend the night?"

"Yeah. I just don't want her alone tonight."

"I can try my best."

"Ok. Thanks. Please text me if she won't let you in or talk to you."

"Ok. I will."

"Ok. I have to get home before I get in trouble for being out so late. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?"


"Ok. Bye Riker. And thanks."

"No problem. And thanks for the food."

"Of course. Any time you need anything, just let me know."

Curt climbed out my window and left. I decided to finish my dinner and then I'd try to go talk to Selena. But why wouldn't she just let Curt stay? He's been friends with her for a lot longer than I have. If she wouldn't let him stay, why would she let me?

Whatever. Curt wanted me to try, so I will. But after I finish my food.


Riker POV

I climbed out my window and went over to Selena's. I knocked lightly. Within about a minute, Selena opened the window.

"Riker, this isn't a good time-"

"I know, but you said we could talk if I needed something and I was just hoping maybe you would come over and talk for a little while."

Selena sighed.

"Fine. I'll be right there."

I climbed back into my window. My plan is working.

A minute later, Selena appeared in my bedroom.

"What's going on?" She asked, sitting down on my bed.

"I guess I've just been um... really sad lately with everything going on."

"What do you mean? Your dad?"

"Yeah. And I was just wondering if maybe you'd stay with me for a little while?"

Selena crossed her arms and gave me a look.

"Did Curt tell you to stay with me tonight?" She asked.

"How did you know!?"

"Because I know how his brain works."

"Ok, well will you please stay anyway? I have questions."

"Questions about what?"

"He said you almost did something really bad. And that you're secretly depressed. And I guess I was just wondering... Why don't you talk about how you're feeling? You made me talk about how I was feeling, so you should too."

Selena sighed.

"Yes, a few months ago, Curt caught me before I was going to take a bunch of sleeping pills because I didn't want to live anymore. I don't like talking about that kind of stuff. So I don't."

"Don't you think it would help you feel better?"

"Curt has forced me to talk to him in the past, and all it really does is make me really annoyed and push him away. I don't like talking about my feelings."

"Ok... But it's because of your dad right? Why you're feeling so bad?"


I sighed.

"Well, I agree with Curt. You shouldn't be alone right now. And it's not because I think you're going to do something bad. I don't think anyone in your position should be alone. It's your dad. Anyone would be upset."

"Would you be upset if it happened to your dad? Because I get the vibe that you two aren't that close."

"That's different."

"Exactly. You don't like talking about your dad, and I don't like talking about my feelings. So let's just keep both of those off limits then."

"Ok. But if you ever want to talk, you can."

"Let's just go to bed. I'm really tired."

"So you're staying?"

"I'm staying."

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