Chapter 12 : Looking for evidence

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Chapter 12

The next day...    

Riker POV

So Selena thought it would be a good idea to search around my house for anything that might tell me who my mom is. Curt had come over too and was helping us look. Things seemed weird between them though, and I was kind of confused why they would be acting like that with each other.

I decided to go look in my dad's room in his closet to see if I could find anything in there. I have to be careful though. I need to make sure I put everything back exactly in its place so my dad doesn't know I was in here.

I got a chair so I could reach the top shelf in his closet. He has a ton of boxes on his top shelf.

"I don't get why you're mad at me. I didn't do anything. You're the one that did something," Curt said.

I paused, trying to listen to Curt and Selena in the kitchen.

"Just drop it already," Selena said.

"Why can't we just talk about what happened?"

"Because I don't want to."

"You never want to talk about your feelings."

"Then this shouldn't be a surprise for you."

"You make me tell you things all the time. Why won't you just tell me your feelings?"

"I already told you. Because I don't want to. And I'm not going to let you make me."

I have no idea what they're arguing about. I went back to looking in the boxes. The first one I opened had a million papers. I don't want to go through all of them just yet. So I closed it.

I opened another box. It had some stuff from our old house and a thumb drive. So I took the thumb drive out and put the box back. I wonder what's on it.

"I'm leaving! You're not going to bully me into talking about my feelings!" Selena yelled.

I stepped off the chair and walked into the kitchen, wondering what was going on.

"No. Don't go. I don't want you home alone," Curt said.

"Well I'm not staying here with you."

"Then I'll leave. And you stay."

Curt walked out, leaving Selena here with me.

"What was that all about?" I asked, quietly.

"Nothing. He's making a big deal out of literally nothing."


"Did you find anything yet?"

"Just a thumb drive. Maybe there's something on it relating to my mom...? I don't have a computer though, so I can't see what's on it."

"We can use mine and look later. Can we just go sit down for a while?"

"Yeah... Of course..."

I followed her back to my room. She laid down on my bed. I laid down next to her.

"Are you ok?" I asked, softly.

"I'm just tired of Curt trying to pry my feelings out of me. He's been doing it since we met."

She turned on her side and wrapped her arm around my stomach. I gently put my arm around her.

"How did you sleep last night?" I asked.

"I barely slept."

"Are you tired?"


"Then let's just take it slow today. I found a thumb drive, so we don't need to look any more today."

Selena sighed and closed her eyes.

"I just wish I could forget about everything for a while."

"Why can't you?"

"Because life doesn't stop just because I want it to."

"Is there anything I can do?"

She sighed again.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm just tired of everything!" She said, crying.

She turned her face against my chest. She was shaking slightly from how upset she was.

I wrapped my arms gently around her.

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to go through this," I said, softly.

"You know what you can do?"


"Don't ask me anything. Just let me be upset for a little while."

"Ok," I whispered.

She held onto me tighter and buried her face in my side. I just held her in my arms.

I wish she would tell me what was going on, but right now, I'm just glad she isn't hiding in her room at home. I'm glad she's here so I can make sure nothing happens to her. I'm kind of scared to let her be alone after what Curt told me last night.

So I guess I'll just be patient and give Selena the time she needs.


Selena POV

I'd fallen asleep in Riker's arms. I barely slept last night, so I was exhausted. And I was still half asleep when Riker jumped out of bed and made me hide in his bathroom because his dad came home.

I couldn't really understand the words his dad was shouting because I was hiding in the shower, but he was very loud.

I heard Riker trying to talk to him, but his dad just kept getting louder and louder. And then I heard Riker scream.

I wanted to run out there and help him. And maybe even yell at his dad. But I knew I better just stay hidden or else Riker might get in even more trouble.

After a few minutes of his dad yelling, everything went silent. It felt like my heart was going to beat right out of my chest. I was so worried for Riker. Where is he?

I waited a little longer, and then I heard footsteps and the sound of Riker's door closing.

I got out of his shower and found him laying on his bed, crying.

"What did he do to you?" I whispered.

Riker had his hand on his cheek, so I gently took his hand and lifted it off his face. His cheek was bright red.

"Did he hit you?" I whispered.

Riker nodded.

"What was he even yelling at you for?"

"When you and Curt were looking around in the kitchen, you guys left a little bit of a mess."

"Riker, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize."

"It's fine. You guys didn't know."

"I should go. I don't want to get you in any more trouble."

"No, don't! I don't want you by yourself!"

"I won't be by myself. I think I should get back to the hospital and see if there's been any improvement or changes since last time I was there."

"Then I want to come with you."

"Riker, I don't want you to get in any more trouble because of me."

"I won't. My dad is probably just going to get drunk and fall asleep. He won't even know I'm gone. Please, I want to come with you."

"Fine. How is your cheek though? It looks like it's bruising."

"It's fine. I'll be ok. Let's just go."

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