Chapter 75: Court Appearance

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"I feel like I am going to be sick already," Alex comments as he tries to take a calming deep breath. He feels a hand reach for his left, clinging it tightly, followed by another on the right side.

"We've got you," Ryan assures him, adding a squeeze to the cling for emphasis. "We aren't going to leave your side. We are going to do this together. If it becomes too much, it's okay to leave....."

The trio enter the court room, not caring what eyes were looking at them in seeing them together. They knew there were going to be curious peers in attendance having heard what happened. They knew there were going to be media in attendance, wanting to cover it in hearing the names involved. The trio didn't care. They just cared about being there to comfort each other, and dealing with Kaitlyn once and for all.

They make their way to the front, taking their seats in the front row together, with Ryan and Chase sitting on either side of Alex, not letting their hands go in the process. It wasn't long before the row behind them was filled with Alex's parents and Chase's parents. Neither had been able to tell the details as to what happened to those who raised them, with them finding out solely by the court documents. They didn't want to talk about it. They didn't want to think about it. They just assured they would be okay, and had tabled the conversation at that point. Frankly, who could blame them.

"Court adjourned!"The Bailiff states, catching everyone's attention as they all stand to look forward. The brown doors opened, as they watched an elder man of color enter through them, and head to his spot at the top of the stand. Considering he was an older individual, hopefully he believed in laying down the toughest sentence they could for what happened. "Presenting the Honorable Judge Brooke Andrews!"

"You may take your seats," Judge Andrews instructs, to which they all easily listen to the question. "Bring in the defendant." 

Alex's eyes focus immediately down to the ground before him, not wanting to catch a single glimpse of the blond. He didn't need to see her. She was already a fixture in his nightmares. He didn't need a reminder of the lips that slurred his name. He didn't need a reminder of the thin tender fingertips that had caressed his manhood against his will. He feels his breathes quickening, closing his eyes as he tries to erase every image that threatened to take over every thought in his mind at that moment.

"Breathe...." Chase coaches, though feels his own sanity about break out of control. He also didn't need the reminders. The images of the summer before when she visited the house, and proceeded to take advantage of him there still haunted his thoughts. He could feel the potential vile rising in his throat as he could still feel her touch against him, hearing the moans and screams of pleasures and pain that seemingly followed from him with those. As crazy as she was, she had brought him some of the best pain and pleasure that he had ever experienced in fulfilling the fantasies he could have only dreamed of before her. 

"It's going to be okay, both of you," Ryan whispers, having glanced to his side to check on Alex to only also witness the panic that now filled Chase's face in the trail of thoughts he was having. Ryan could only imagine what both would feeling or seeing in response to what happened. He had thankfully been spared, something he did not take for granted. That didn't help in the situation, though, as he almost wished he wasn't to take away the pain he was seeing the pair feel right now. Nobody should have to go through what they were feeling.

"You should've damn well shot her!" Ryan looks at Chase with surprise in response to the comment, as he hadn't ever seen him resort to that level of anger when it came to someone. It was one thing to be angry and want a fight, but to choose a shot? Maybe it went deeper for them than he could even begin to realize. 

"Can I please charge someone with attempted murder with a weapon?" Kaitlyn's voice rang out as she looks over at the trio with a smile locked on her face. It was so fun seeing the distress that seemingly rang on their faces. She had accomplished what she wanted as if she wasn't going to get Chase to herself at his best, then nobody would get him that way. 

"Go ahead and try because self-defense covers a murder charge!" Ryan snaps back in response, almost ready to reach his breaking point in seeing the pain everyone was going through at this point. Perhaps it would've been worth it to pull the trigger. It would've saved Alex and Chase from having to relive everything that happened, again. 

"Order in the court!" Judge Andrews shouts out, catching everyone's attention as Ryan had almost forgotten he was there and in charge. Of course that was the reason they were all sitting in the same room today. "The next person to speak out will be held in contempt!" Ryan takes a deep breath as he tries to focus on the pair beside him, rather than his own feelings. He didn't need to get thrown in a jail cell as he couldn't offer any comfort for them at that point. "We are here for a plea hearing in regards to the charges laid against Kaitlyn Vincent by the district attorney. I am going to read each of the charges off one by one, and Kaitlyn is up to you to then state whether you are guilty or not guilty. From there, we will move forward to a bail hearing if necessary...." 

Alex takes a deep breath, knowing what was coming in the next set of words that would be said. Each of those charges would create a picture as to what happened. Each of those charges would be a reminder of the what happened. Another deep breath, he couldn't let her win. He had to be strong and withstand through every single flashback that flung his way.

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