Chapter 63: A Celebratory Trio

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Ryan was desperate, and it only brought smirks on the faces of Chase and Alex in knowing they had him exactly where they wanted him. It was going to be a fun night indeed.

"Please...." Ryan pleads with the pair once again, his eyes darting between the man knelt at his legs, and the man standing at eye level with him. "I am the Champ after all..." 

"And we're both so proud of you," Alex comments, placing yet another kiss on Ryan's lips, passion simply radiating off the experience. 

"I knew you would be a champion one day," Chase adds, as he lowers the underwear, his fingers stroking the bare cock that was before his eyes. "Damn you're so fine..." 

"You know you want him, Daddy. Take control. Take everything that is yours. He needs to be congratulated in style." Ryan couldn't help but smirk at Alex's pleads with Chase, knowing it would get the trio exactly what they wanted. Chase always loved to be in control, and most times, they allowed him to get what he wanted. 

"Please Chas-" Ryan begins to beg once again, only for his words to be cut off by another kiss, and his hand brought to the crotch of the man that was kissing him.

"We could always make daddy jealous," Alex adds, knowing how to play the game perfectly. While he began his foray with them at the innocent one learning, he had picked up on all the cues and knew exactly what to do to get what he wanted. 

"You both play an evil game," Chase admires with a glance up at the pair, admittedly a smirk forming on his face in admiration. "Two can play this game..." 

"No time for games," Ryan states as he begins to glance around a little, a couple nerves indeed forming. They were outside, in the middle of the track in pure darkness. What if someone else showed up? "I don't think I want to start my championship reign getting caught with my pants down." He then swings his hips a little, allowing his dick to sway before Chase's face like a carrot. "We both know what you want. Satisfy your craving, and make me a happy champion." 

"You may regret what you wish for...." Chase then moves forward, opening his mouth as he takes Ryan's cock in whole. He allows it to fill every inch of his mouth, sucking a little while dabbling the end with his tongue. 

The sucks then turn into tugs, as he begins pulling on it with his sucks, harder and longer with each round. He wraps both hands on Ryan's hips, forcing his body right against his cheeks to give himself even more of the tasteful cock. 

As Ryan's legs to begin to give out with a moan escaping his lips, the grip only intensifies, forcing him to continue to take in what was being done to him. 

"There ya go Daddy..." Alex comments in admiration for the total control, and wishfully hoping that he was next in line for a turn of his own as that seemed like too good of a time to enjoy. In hopes of having Chase's approval, he put his strong hold on Ryan so he could not move away or buckle. 

Just as Ryan was about to fully cum and explode, Chase stops immediately and pulls away, putting the tip of his finger on Ryan's cock as he looks into the dark lustful eyes above.

"You're only allowed to do that when I say so," Chase instructs, giving it a bit of a flick, which causes a small cry to escape Ryan. "It's not time for that yet. Daddy has plans for you...." 

"I promise to be a good little boy," Alex comments in hopes those plans involved him as he could feel his dick about to explode beneath the fabric of his jeans. His comment just brings a chuckle from Chase as he looks between the pair, glad they were both fully listening to every single command he had. "Please...." 

"I am the champion so I should get what I want and need," Ryan begs as he shakes his head in disgust looking at Chase. "And fuck, I need to cum so bad...." He looks down, seeing a bit leaking out the edge as he tries to play dangle the carrot once again. "If you leave me hanging, I may have to give it to Alex. He seems like he needs a bit of a release." 

"That may earn you an ass smacking for non-compliance," Chase warns as he gives Ryan's bare ass a small whack. "We wouldn't want to ruin your celebration with that, now would we?" Chase then stands up, moving so he is behind Ryan, dropping his own pants as he rubs his bare cock against his ass. "You are the champion, and deserve the spoils. Daddy is going to make sure you get those..." 

Ryan then jumped a little as he felt coldness against the crack of his ass, feeling a finger slipped inside, followed by another with more coldness to follow. Perhaps Chase did have a good plan in mind for him after all. 

"Can I have a taste?" Alex begs, not wanting to waste the bits of cum that were dripping off of Ryan from the blow job he had received minutes before. "Please Daddy?"  

"Down on your knees, Bowman," Chase instructs, as he slowly slips his fingers out of Ryan's ass, slipping them around his shaft instead, stroking the full length with a flick to the tip afterwards.

"Yes, Daddy..." Alex easily complies with the demand, feeling his own member grow and his tongue against his lips in hopes of catching what he wanted. "Oh Ry...." He wanted to wait until he was told and be a good little boy, but his tongue wasn't wanting to listen to the thought process as it finds its way to Ryan's tip, enjoying a savory drop. "" 

"Please Chase...." Ryan begs once again, only feeling the need to cum increase with every single passing second.

"Only if Alex gives me a show doing it," Chase instructs as he looks over Ryan at the man that was now below him. "Lick it fully, every single drop and if you gag - you get no more. I want to see full tongue, full action, make him crave for it. You're also going to stroke yourself, and show me the passion that you have for it. As for Ry...." Chase moves his hips in line with Ryan's, stroking his own member with a handful of the lube. "He is about to get his world blown." 

Chase then pulls at Ryan's hips, forcing him to bend over Alex below, pushing himself inside of Ryan as Alex's lips find themselves to what he had been in desire hold of this entire time. With each thrust inside, Ryan finds himself at the mercy of a suck at the same time. 

"Oh fuck!" Ryan lets out in a scream, followed by a series of loud moans as they both take over his world at once, stars filling his eyes as he knew he was about to lose total control of everything. 

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