Chapter 43: Shop Days

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Knowing they were set for a busy next couple of weeks - and Alex wouldn't have it any other way looking at the events on the calendar, being able to squeeze a day in the shop was certainly necessary. After all, there was no shortage of things to do right now.

With one eye on the list, he was working through everything they had talked about wanting to do with the sprint car before they hit the road. It had been a rough couple months, beginning with Alex's wreck. Jake had some solid nights with promising good runs, but there was also some frustrating ones mixed in there. Considering things had gotten a little off-track plan wise, the list was longer than other weeks - and it was extra important given the upcoming event.

"This was by the door when I got here," Alex hears, causing him to look up. He had hoped to see a box being brought his way, knowing there was still some parts they hadn't gotten in, but yet felt deflated in seeing it was just a envelope. "I also got a drink for you..." 

"You didn't have to do that," Alex replies, taking the iced coffee from Daryn, as well as the envelope. He doesn't let his eyes even considering the white package, tossing it aside as he knew he needed to focus on the car before him. However, the iced coffee - now that was welcome more than he wanted to admit. You could never go wrong with a cold drink while working, and he didn't need to pause what he was doing to get one now. "I think I have this all back together...." 

"I trust you - even if Blake may not trust you." Alex chuckles, remembering how nobody thought he'd be right to work on the Cup Series car, with Blake telling him to keep his focus on doing what he needed behind the wheel. Perhaps that was the driving force behind ABR more than driving himself - the ability to work on these cars. 

With Daryn now there, he utilized the help of his driver to finish putting the rear assembly back together, attaching to the frame with ease. Though he reached for each part by the pit box, he couldn't help but look towards the envelope. 

There was very few simple envelopes that showed up at the shop. There were only a couple that had shown up being completely blank outside. There was only a pair, and he had opened them both to find messages written from one person. A shaky deep breath, and he imagined the same lied within once again. 

Daryn watches his new boss - well, at least for this week ahead, curiosity laced in his thoughts in seeing Alex stare at the blank envelope. Just for seconds, but a full minute without a word being said. He watches as the hand reaches to trace the outside, a deep breath, and pulled back away. It began to make him wonder as to what the contents could even be inside. 

"If you want to take some time to open the envelope that's fine," Daryn offers, knowing a break wouldn't be bad considering they'd been hard at it for a couple hours now. Alex shakes his head no, immediately focusing on the man before him and doing anything to not reach for the white piece of paper once again. Why was it in his mind? 

They had the restraining order in place. They had security cameras around the entire ABR property. They had notified the authorities of the previous notices, with an alert being sent out to bring her in question should she be spotted by someone. 

Taking a deep breath, he remembered the words that Chase had told him - she couldn't touch him again, she couldn't hurt them again. Everything was going to be okay, right?

It wasn't until after Daryn had left later that night. At that time, the envelope rested back in Alex's hands as he had done everything necessary for that time. The rest of the list? It could be tackled before heading out to Atlanta this weekend. 

"Alex?" He hears as he looks across the shop, catching the chocolate brown eyes that could melt him immediately. They were the same eyes that were behind the panic and worry he felt by the simple object within his finger tips. The gap between them closes with Chase standing right before him, hand resting on his own, his own eyes looking at the envelope. "Have you opened it?" 

"No," Alex simply replies, as there was no way to get around it. Every time he reached for the contents inside, he felt himself freeze up with emotions transported to another time. All he could see was them repeating themselves once again. "We don't need to do this, Chase. You don't need to put yourself through this." 

"You also don't need to do this alone." Chase then kneels down to Alex's level, eyes locked together as he takes a deep breath. The pain was evident for them both. "I know what she's capable of. I went through dealing with what she's capable of. Nobody should have to do that alone." 

"You shouldn't have to do it again." Alex wasn't wrong in those words, as repeating images of the months together, followed by the fateful night, and then the day in court were not easy to relive over for Chase. The fact she had taken total control, ripped him apart in a way that he didn't think possible was not comforting. 

"You're right. Just like you shouldn't have to watch me go through it, and then go through it by yourself. That's not fair either, Alex. We can only get through this if we work together." Chase then slips the envelope out of Alex's frozen hands, sliding his fingers across to open it. He then tips it as the piece of paper falls to the ground. "We don't have to read it." 

They didn't get a chance to decide, though, as the paper slid on the ground with the writing facing up, written in big letters.

You look sexy getting your hands dirty - but I still have his heart 

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