Chapter 25: Alex's Cuddles

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Ryan takes a deep breath as he holds the door open, watching as Alex walks his way through. It had certainly been a longer day than expected, and certainly not everything they would've preferred to learn.

After he got in late last night, they woke up bright and early to ensure he was on-time for the appointment. It was then a series of tests - x-rays, MRI, CAT scan, bone density test - and a couple other x-rays mixed in there again. There was also anxiety in checking for a concussion. 

Compressed vertebra in the back resulting in a three to four week recovery was the end result of too many hours spent in a clinic. Now all he could do is rest as it healed itself.

"I think someone is home," they both hear as they freeze in the doorway. It doesn't take long for smiles to appear as three dogs come running at Alex, followed by Chase. Chase makes his way through the fur-babies, wrapping both arms around Alex. "Alex..."

"I'm okay," Alex says quietly, easily reciprocating the hug as he holds him close to him. "I'm okay, Chase." He then takes a deep breath of his own, knowing that what had been missing since last night. The hug of comfort and assurance. The hug of someone who cared deeply for him. He knew he wanted his cuddles, but this moment assured that right there. "It's a very minor compression. It's just four to six weeks..." 

"I wanted to fly home last night," Chase comments, totally ignoring the words being said from Alex's mouth. They didn't matter right now. They didn't replace the fear in watching the wreck happen, followed by the uncertainty when texted details. There was nothing that could replace the distance there. "I was so worried about you. I wanted to hold you, be there for you, help yo-"

"Chase, breathe..." They then make their way forward through the house, to Ryan's delight, as he watches them sit down on the edge of the bed together. They were just a week from Chase's healing and return. He didn't need him putting too much pressure on his leg quite yet. He also didn't need Alex further injuring his back, either. "I am okay. I will be okay. I'm fine, okay?" 

"You flipped upside down and in the air...." Ryan clenches his eyes shut, not wanting to relive the images of the wreck in his mind at that moment. He also knew it may not be the best idea for Chase to be reminding Alex right now, either.

"The landing is what did it, honestly. But I am fine. I can move around. I just need to relax a couple days and I'll be fine..." Alex then slowly brushes his lips across Chase's. "I love you." 

"You should get him relaxed; I'll get him some water and the pills for the pain," Ryan comments before backing away out of the room. 

He could tell the pair could use just each other's company and was fine with that. He understood the balance of the relationship. He also knew that he had gotten to see Alex last night and hold him, whereas Chase didn't.

It was just like the Chili Bowl. Alex hadn't gotten to hold and be there for Chase right away - whereas Ryan had to wait until they got home to do the same. He remembered everything he felt in those hours with nerves crawling through him in hoping everything was truly okay. He hated every minute of that experience. He couldn't imagine what Chase had been going through since Alex's wreck last night.

He grabbed the glass of water and bottle of pills before making his way back to the room. He stopped by the doorway, tongue licking his lips, breath increasing as he watched Chase ever so tenderly help Alex out of his clothes. He slipped off his shirt with ease and very slow pace, not forcing Alex to do anything uncomfortable or painful. He watched as he slipped off the jeans, allowing Alex to lay back and relax accordingly. 

Once the clothes were tossed to the side, Chase climbed up alongside Alex in the bed, beginning to rub his back ever so lightly with his hands, kissing the bare shoulders as he does so. 

50 Shades of Pain ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang