Chapter 13: A Shop Letter

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Alex lets out a sigh as he stands in the new lobby at the shop, giving himself a nod of approval. 

He had tried to stay in Georgia as long as he could, wanting to maximize the time spent with Chase. However, he knew totally disappearing would cause more curiosity than he wanted to deal with. So the trip was made back to North Carolina, with a check-in at Hendrick Motorsports, before heading over to the new ABR headquarters.

Satisfied with the way things were laying out, he makes his way to the back of the shop, watching as a series of boxes were being opened. He then picks up a couple of the new tumblers, nodding his head in approval knowing they had come out as wanted. 

"This is for you Alex," he hears one of the guys say, handing a envelope to him. "It was mixed in with the tumblers and stuff we got today. We were surprised to see fan mail with a parcel delivery."

"Guess they wanted to feel important," Alex replies in response as he leans back against the wall, glancing over the envelope. 

They had certainly got his attention - which always caused confusing thoughts for him. It was great to have fans that wanted to do that, but yet you had to wonder if they would become a stalker.

He then runs his finger underneath the edge of the envelope. There was no point in leaving it unopened as curiosity would cause him a bunch of issues, and it needed to be opened anyway. He finds a piece of black paper inside, slowly pulling it out to read the silver handwriting it contained. 

He doesn't deserve to be happy. Maybe you need a new Ally.  --- Kaitlyn

His breath immediately quickens as his full weight is now against the wall. His fingers drop the piece of paper, his eyes opening wider as they repeat the words over and over ahead of him.

"Alex, are you okay?" CJ questions, the scene having caught his attention despite working on the rear of the sprint car. He then slowly makes his way over, reaching down to pick up the fallen piece of paper. "Alex...." 

He then clutches his hands around Alex's shoulders, immediately leading him away from everyone else into the office, shutting the door behind him. He leads his boss to his chair, allowing him to slowly sit in it.

"Who is Kaitlyn?" CJ asks as he reads over the writing once again, his hand fighting against grabbing his cell for a couple calls to be put in order.

"Chase Elliott's ex-girlfriend," Alex answers as his breathing slowly returns to normal. However, that wasn't lasting as it picked up as the entire court room, along with the weeks that surrounded that flashed through his mind. "She went after him last year. She raped him." Alex then looks over at CJ surprised, having not intended to add the second sentence. "You cannot tell him that I told you that's what hap-"

"The secret is safe with me, Alex." CJ then leans against the desk before him, knowing he wasn't getting out of this discussion. "Did he report it?" 

"She was found not guilty." Alex clutches his hand into a fist, the frustration from that afternoon still easily there. He couldn't believe when the verdict was stated.

"So she gets away with it, and now sends you a letter through the mail. I take it she is referencing him, but saying you need a new ally-"

"I need to love someone else, or....." Alex shakes his head immediately, not wanting to allow him to think that was even possible. He needed to get that thought out of his mind immediately, continuing to repeat to himself new ally meant new boyfriend. "Chase has a restraining order agai-"

"I would suggest you get one as well, and report this. I would also suggest that you have someone with you at all times until she is caught." Alex nods his head, knowing that was going to be along his plans - as well as sharing the news with both Ryan and Chase as soon as possible.

It didn't take long for the necessary phone calls to be placed. The letter was reported to the police, who sent officers out to the ABR Shop to take it into their hands, as well as ask questions to Alex. The pair then shared the news of the letter to Hendrick Motorsports' staff, knowing everyone on all sides should know of a threat towards him. The pair then shared an image out of Kaitlyn around to all their employees, with strict instructions should she come around. 

CJ then excused himself from Alex's clutches, allowing him to call Chase and Ryan without him present. He knew there'd be a lot of emotions given the obvious history Kaitlyn had created, and trusted Alex to do the right thing when it came to those two. 

"Are you okay?" CJ asks a couple hours later when he and Alex cross paths. 

"I can't describe to you what the phone call was like," Alex quietly answers, taking a deep breath. The emotions expressed, fear in the eyes, it was a feeling that wouldn't leave him. "The pure fear, disgust, reminder of what happened. The fact that he was instantly in fear and tears because he thought about what happened. It killed for me to see him like that, C. I've never seen him like that - not even when it happened. My heart just shattered into a million pieces." 

"It's not your fault....." CJ reaches over and gives Alex's shoulder a squeeze of comfort. "Don't carry it all on your shoulders. It's Kaitlyn that's causing that pain and everything - not you. You're actually doing the best thing in reporting it and warning him." 

"I know, but I just hated to see that - and then not be there to wrap my arms around him, hold him, comfort him, allow him to just let those emotions go. It just makes me sick." CJ debated in what to say next in response, his worry growing with more words spoken. 

"It's going to be okay. She's not going to do anything stupid, and..." CJ pauses as he knew it was odd in his mind to be saying this so confidently. "Chase has you, and you have a Chas-"

"And Ryan, and we're a team that can get through anything that is thrown our way!" CJ nods his head in response, though caught off in the confidence saying those simple words had seemingly given Alex. 

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