Chapter 50: Denny!!!

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Chase walks into the conference room at Hendrick Motorsports, taking his seat alongside Alex - just like he had every single week since they had officially connected together. 

"I see we have a common enemy," William's crew chief Rudy Fugle comments as he takes his seat at the table, earning a nod from everybody around the table. Considering what had happened this past year, they were surprised William and Rudy weren't coming in with a story of their own. Instead, though, it seemed to be left up to everybody else around the table.

"It's getting frustrating seeing our races thrown away because of his antics," Alex's crew chief Blake Harris offers, earning a nod of agreement from Alex and Kyle in return. Everybody had been picking on the performance Blake and Alex had put together since his return back to the seat. However, if you began eliminating Denny issues from the past three straight weeks, it may be a different story all together. Considering the speed they had at Pocono, perhaps they would've had something to challenge for the win.

"We started the year with Ross and have now met Denny it seems," Jeff replies, which was certainly the case as it felt all the way around the table. They remembered Rick's words earlier in the season in saying they'd deal with Ross if necessary, even if being in the Chevrolet family. They could only wonder what he was thinking right now in relation to Denny. 

"My driver dealt with the problem so maybe it's time he learns from one of you," Alan suggests, causing a couple jaws to drop in the room. However, while he hated having to sit out a week and perhaps didn't agree with the comments thrown his way, Chase couldn't argue with his crew chief. It proved to Denny that he wasn't going to take his crap and they hadn't found any issues since then. It was just now about finding what they were missing in performance.

"I don't think the boss would approve that message...." Everybody had to chuckle, knowing it had been a bit of a cluster and mess with Alex and Chase spending weeks out of the seat each due to their own issues. 

"I don't think I could handle being away from you for a weekend," Chase texts Alex, followed by reaching his hand over and giving Alex's leg a little squeeze. Alex tenses up immediately, feeling the fingertips reaching closer to his crotch as he sat there. 

"But you have to admit it's better than seeing Denny cost you a championship, and that may happen - especially to Kyle," Alan comments, which Cliff Daniels nods his head in agreement. It was why he had emphasized Denny's comments on the radio, and then in the team's inner discussion after the race. He wanted to emphasize the issue at bay in knowing what it could produce - whether Kyle and Denny were friends or not. It was all about taking care of the race team.

Alex could barely pay attention to the conversation around the table, feeling fingertips against his crotch, stroking him ever so slightly through the fabric of his jeans. He feels his breath hitch in his throat, feeling himself harden against it. Was there anyway they could get out of this meeting early?

"But focusing on Denny is a waste of time as he's not worth our time," Alan continues, catching some odd glances from around the room as they focus on the crew chief. "We need to talk about performance - bare none. We need to figure out how to get the No. 9 and No. 48 in victory lane these next five weeks." 

"I could use an excuse to celebrate with you," Chase's texts Alex as he looks over at him with a smirk on his face. It was taking every bit of Alex's strength to not do anything about all the feelings that Chase was driving him crazy with right now.

Chase could see that, and figured he'd see just how far he could push his teammate. It was why he reached for the button on Alex's jeans, slipping it open, feeling Alex tense up against his touch. He then reaches beneath the fabric of Alex's boxers, allowing the very edge of his finger to stroke Alex.

"You were fast at the end of the race," William comments, having seen the progress Chase made in moving his way forward despite how much he struggled throughout the day at times. It was better than nothing, right?

"We need to...unload....better..." Alex barely lets out without letting a moan escape at the same time, his eyes darting at Chase in request to stop what he was doing. However, that only caused the smirk to grow on his face. 

"You better not unload here," was the next text message Alex was reading on his phone, fighting every urge he had to strangle and jump on top of Chase right now. 

"Is there something we can change about the simulator or practice to make things better?" Alex wonders, though keeps his eyes in dart form as he stares at Chase. He could already see another text message getting ready to come through with a dirty comment along those lines, too. How was he supposed to survive this meeting?

The conversation carried forward for another hour, with suggestions being tossed around the table of how they could fix the issues they were having. They then discussed the upcoming weekend at Richmond, how they performed in recent trips, and what they needed to do in assurance for another good run.

The meeting was finally called done, thankfully in Alex's eyes, as everybody began to leave the room immediately.

"After that stunt, you better meet me in my office and deliver," Alex whispers in Chase's ear as he does his pants back up underneath the table, earning a chuckle in response.

"Are you sure you can walk with the hard-on that you have?" Chase questions once everybody else was out of the room. The response he got in return was the dirtiest look imaginable, causing the laughter to escape immediately. "Let's face it - you enjoyed it. This was your most memorable meeting to date and I bet you want that experience every single weekend. Considering you were a good boy and kept your mouth shut, I'll take you up on that offer. Besides, I need my daily dosage of Arizona." 

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