Chapter 61: Phoenix

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The following five weeks went solidly for Ryan, as he did what he was necessary - picking up a win at Talladega Superspeedway, followed by another at Martinsville Speedway. The boys had ups and downs with the own finishes, but they didn't focus on that - their boo had a one in four shot at the championship. 

It was why Alex and Chase had put all their focus on Ryan in the days leading up to the weekend. Alex made his favourite for dinner on Thursday night. Chase made his second-favourite the next night. They also agreed to buy his favourite takeout on Saturday night. That was then combined with massages, funny movies, and of course their own releases to ensure that Ryan was as relaxed and ready as possible for the battle ahead for the championship.

The morning of the finale at Phoenix Raceway, they allowed Ryan to sleep in as late as they could to ensure he was well-rested and ready for the day. Alex took the trio of dogs for their morning walk, while Chase made breakfast - of course Ryan's choice of what was made. 

The boys then split up to go through their separate morning responsibilities, reuniting at the driver's meeting. Well, not before a little runaway rendezvous for Chase to give Ryan a bonus round of good luck sex and massage. The reasoning was simple - "focus on us, yourself, relaxation, instead of everything else today." 

With the driver's meeting in the books, the trio began to make their way out to the grid, normally it was a matter of minutes before they'd be getting strapped in their cars ready to go today.

"I can't wait for you to beat both of my teammates," Alex comments with a grin as he keeps a close eyes on Ryan. "I believe you can get the job done." 

"That's not being a good teammate," they hear and the trio immediately roll their eyes in watching Kyle walk up alongside them. "I just wanted to say good luck Ryan." 

"I wonder what your sister will say if you beat her boyfriend," William adds, resulting in another round of eyes rolls as Alex just bites his tongue. He could already see Kyle making his more awkward in mentioning something about the trio. "Good luck to both of you." 

"I have a feeling that Erin will be kicking Kyle's ass if he beats you both," Chase throws in, unable to resist the urge to make a comment. Kyle was deserving of something considering the crap he had pulled at times throughout the year, both on the track and off. It was few and far between that he could throw in his own punchline. "I love you both, but I am hoping my best friend kicks your ass today. You've had your chance already Kyle, and we know that you have plenty of opportunities in the future William. It's time for Ryan to shine." 

"I appreciate the vote of confidence," Ryan comments with a smirk as he resists the urge to reach over and clasp Chase's hand with his own. He would do it under any other circumstance that did not involve William being near them. 

"May the best driver win, right?" Alex offers with a hint of nervous laughter, his eyes not leaving Kyle through the whole interaction. There was no way he was letting something happen slip here. 

Kyle and William then continue their walk ahead of the trio, to relief of Alex as he was able to relax back in the comfort of being with the pair he loved the most. Though it made him wonder if he and Chase were truly going to make this work long-term if they could do so without telling their teammate.

"You didn't have to talk me up like that in front of those two," Ryan says as he finally allows himself to grab Chase's hand like he wanted to. The nerves were starting to fill his stomach a little, but the strong grasp against his instantly made those fade away. It was like the belief he shared flowed into his body in that moment. "But I appreciate the love, always. I love you...both of you..." Knowing they were in the last hidden spot before the grid, he pulls them both close for a quick kiss before a smile forms on his face.

Chase and Alex simply smile in watching him head on down the grid, getting set for his big introduction as one of the four drivers with a chance at the championship.

"He's going to do it today," Alex comments as he looks over at Chase, the pair catching each other's attention fully for the first time all weekend. "I have so much belief in him. I can just feel it. There's something magical about today." 

"Me too," Chase simply replies before he pulls Alex close to him, wrapping his arms around his ass. "I just hope you're not jealous of all the time that I've been focused on him, and not on you. Alex, I love you and care about you. You are everything to me, still." 

"He deserves all the attention and love. This is his moment. He deserves to have us totally in his corner supporting him and being there. I have no problem with it all. I am not jealous one bit because I know I can trust you." Alex then leans in, snagging a quick kiss of his own for the extra assurance to his heart. "That said, I was a little jealous yesterday. I figured you would have hung out with me on pit road instead of Bubba. That stung a little." 

"I'm sorry as I should've took advantage of the time. I just haven't talked to him a lot so I wanted to catch up." Alex nods his head, easily sympathizing and understanding. To say their lives had been crazy without much time for other stuff was the truth. "Oh, and my promise still stands for you - I haven't stopped keeping an eye out to make sure you're safe." 

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