Chapter 14: You turned him

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Alex and Ryan slowly make their way in the house, each slipping their shoes off, before making their way inside. Alex makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing a drink out of the fridge, as Ryan peaks into the bedsroom where Chase lied.

"Hey," Ryan says as he leans against the door, hopeful the thoughts of the day that was in Richmond would disappear immediately.

"You turned him," Chase states as Ryan lets out a sigh, knowing to expect a comment to be made about what happened. So much for leaving the day that was behind him.

"I didn't mea-" Ryan meant those words, knowing he had come up on the back of the No. 9 Chevrolet a little quicker than expected, resulting in the timing being off and a bump.

"You wouldn't done it if it was me-" Ryan knew he would've regretted it a lot more if that was the case, and didn't need to think it over too much in knowing they had contact on the track previous together.

"You wouldn't have backed up the cor-" That had to be the only reason he had caught Josh that quickly, other than him possibly having a problem of his own and easy to blame Ryan instead.

"He was tight in the corner and we both know what that means at Richmond, don't we?" Ryan lets out a sigh, knowing there was probably no way he was winning this argument as it was perhaps the worst thing on the day of shitty highlights for him.

"Think about it this way. Without the spin, he wouldn't lost the track position to set up the strategy call made to get him back up there in a position to challenge at the end. I was just helping set up a good ending for him - a lot better than mine." Chase rolls his eyes, knowing Ryan was just throwing excuses at him and sap to try and get sympathy out of the discussion. However, if Josh hadn't gotten back up there, he also knew his frustration would've been more apparent when Ryan got home.

"I am just proud that he's getting a feel for the Cup cars, finally, and running up front. It was great to see. He's a natural short track racer, and that performance shows his talent." Chase then stops, glancing down towards his leg with a sigh. "It just sucks knowing how good that car probably was - considering Kyle and William led laps, Alex ran top-10 all day, and I didn't get a chance to show it. I didn't get a chance to prove my team is right up there with the rest." 

"Soon enough, man...." Ryan makes his way in the room, sitting alongside Chase on the bed. "PT is going great. They're saying that you're making progress every week. I see more movement and strength just around the house each day with you. Everything is coming together as planned. You'll be back behind the wheel, and winning races. I hate to say it, but I'll have to get used to seeing your rear bumper in my face again."

"Just as long as you don't whack me out of the way." Chase then leans over, lightly brushing his lips along Ryan's. "I hated to see the day you had, by the way. That pit road penalty sucked. Not your fault at all. Shit happens when we're trying to go fast - and it sucks the crew messed up what could've been a solid day for you." 

"It sucks to start off the year so well - and to just suck the past two weeks for reasons not of my doing." Chase then starts massaging Ryan's shoulders as Ryan just lets out a long sigh, knowing the next challenge that lied on the schedule. "I've ran good at Bristol the past two years, so hopefully we can turn things around." 

"Just rely on the family knowledge and you'll be fine..." Chase then lightly kisses Ryan's neck, as Ryan easily leans back in his arms. The pair only smile when they notice Alex standing in the doorway, watching them intently.

"I see you are chasing away your bad blues already," Alex comments as he enters the room, handing Ryan a beer in the process. It was the usual practice - a beer each as they washed away their day. Some weeks it was great as they talked about their success. Other weeks, in the case of Ryan, it was a chance to rid of what remained from it. "I still say we should get you in a sprint car. To be a Blaney and never have gotten laps in one is insane."

"I heard someone in this house owns a quick car as well," Chase adds to which Alex nods his head in agreement. He had been enjoying the days in the shop, knowing it was going to add up to being back behind the wheel of the sprint car soon with a great schedule on tap. He just hoped the boys could come out regularly and support him. "He has to just promise me he'll kick Kyle's ass this year." 

"That's easier said than done as you're talking about the dirt king." Chase chuckles as Alex joins the pair already in the bed. "If I can just hold my own and put together some good runs against that caliber of field, I will be happy. I just want to get better each race, have some good finishes, and keep it on all four wheels." 

"Do you do realize if you do something stupid Rick may be buying a roll of bubble wrap?" Ryan questions, jokingly of course. It was clear none of the them wanted to see something happen, or could handle that in all seriousness considering how much they cared for each other. 

"I was worried that Christopher was going to be needing it after turning William," Alex comments, changing the topic as he didn't feel comforting in talking about something like that happening. He'd been there before. This wasn't the summer to repeat something of that nature.

"Christopher apologized, right?" Alex nods his head, having seen the tweet on his phone during the flight home. He remembered showing it to William, to which William gave it a nod of approval in understanding the tight racing on a restart.  

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