Chapter 24: Ryan Blaney

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Alex sat frozen in the seat as Kyle asked the question, unsure of what to do or say.

Why hadn't he thought about this before?

"So what is Ryan Blaney doing here?" Kyle repeats once again as he keeps his eyes locked on his teammate. Given the silence, he felt a lot of theories coming to his mind that he didn't want to dare to believe. It was one thing to know what he knew. It was another to think that there was a twist in the web.

"I was watching the dogs for him," Ryan comments as he walks up to Kyle's car, eyes locked on Alex through the whole process. 

As soon as he saw the headlights up the driveway, he had darted out of the house in wanting to offer Alex all the comfort that he deserved that night. However, he froze in seeing it was Kyle that drove him home and not one of his own guys. That wasn't a winkle he was expecting. However, it didn't stop him from continuing the walk down the driveway. There was nothing that was going to stop him from checking on Alex.

"He asked me to come and let Finn and Roscoe out and make sure they were fed," Ryan continues, eyes not leaving Alex through the entire process. Alex still hadn't moved since Kyle's initial question, his mind immediately debating what to do moving forward. 

"Ryan...." Alex finally says quietly, catching attention of both Ryan and Kyle by the tone of his voice. It didn't sound like someone that was about to say thank you or accept the explanation. It sounded like someone that loathed for comfort and a connection. It only fueled everything that went through Kyle's mind at that moment. "It's not fair for us to lie to Kyle. After all, he's been very nice and supportive tonight. He also is around enough to catch onto somethings. He also knows about Chase and I." 

"Oh," was all that escaped Ryan's mouth in response as he looked between the pair of teammates. He actually wished they weren't having this conversation right now. He had hoped to have gotten Alex in the house by now and relaxed for the night.

"I just hope it's not a case of what this appears to be like," Kyle comments as he grabs Alex's backpack from the back of the car, handing it over to Ryan. There was only one thing that came to his mind by Alex's comment and didn't know if he wanted to stick around to hear anymore details. How was he supposed to face Chase knowing about this? "I assume you don't need a drive to the doctor's tomorrow morning - but I can give you a ride if necessary." 

"I will be fine with Ryan," Alex says as he takes a deep breath. He could tell by Kyle's tone his comment hadn't gone off well, but still felt fear in saying something. It was fair to have permission from Ryan and Chase to share, right? He didn't have that. What if he broke boundaries here? "It's also not what you think it appea-"

"Are you sure you're not cheating on Chase while he's ou-"

"I would never, ever, ever in my life do something like that, Kyle. I swear to you. I would never ever do anything to hurt him ever in my life. That's not me. I could never do that to them. I love and care about him too much to do that." Alex had seen the tears on Chase's face. He had seen the pain written behind the eyes. He sat with him as he tried to make it disappear those months before. He wasn't ever about to be the cause of more. "Chase knows about us." 

"You can ask your teammate if you dare, Kyle," Ryan adds in seeing where Alex was going with this, and wanting to show his support in seeing the nerves written on the surface. He knew Alex was probably already in enough pain. There was no sense in adding more to that. "Chase knows that I am here. Chase knows that I am comforting him. There are nights - a lot of nights, almost every night when we're not traveling, that the three of us spend it here together, my house together, or Chase's together. That's why we have a key to each other's place. I don't know how to describe it but it just works between the three of us." 

"The three of you?" Kyle repeats, earning a nod in response from both Ryan and Alex as he does so. 

"We care about each other a lot. We would do anything for each other. We hold each other, help each other, whatever it may be. We're always there for each other. Just like Alex and I were there for Chase, it's now our turn to be there for him right now." Ryan takes a deep breath as he holds out his hand, as Alex climbs out of the truck. There was an odd silence that had come over the group as Kyle tried to process everything he had heard.

"Just promise me you won't say anything to anybody," Alex states as he looks in at Kyle. Kyle takes a deep breath, shedding a chuckle to himself.

"I don't think anybody would ever believe me man," Kyle confesses as Alex couldn't help but argue with that. He knew everybody saw the connection with Chase and Ryan, there were so many comments about that around the garage. However beyond that, nobody was bound to figure out anything - just like he wanted. "I'll keep your secret. Just focus on getting better, okay? I want your ass back at the track sooner than later."

"Deal. Thank you once again for everything tonight, Kyle. It meant a lot....honestly...."

Kyle then watches as Ryan heads inside alongside Alex, not leaving his side the whole way. He had to smile a little as he took a photo of the pair from behind, sending it to Chase.

Your boy is home. I see he is in good hands. He's going to be okay. 

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