44. One drive

261 13 8

💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

"It is you Katsuki Bakugo, you are listed as 'Kacchan' in Izuku's phone. And he told me enough about you when he was alive to know that it's you're fault he died." Dabi gave the deadliest glare he had, staring into Bakugo's soul. The blond doesn't get scared easily but now thinking about everything Izuku could have told the villain does make shivers go down his spine. "Do you even feel any guilt at all?" Dabi's question made a lot of painful memories come back to Katsuki. Now that the hero in training thought about it, Dabi didn't seem scary anymore. The blond was thinking if the villain hurt him he probably deserved it. 

"Of course, I feel guilty for everything I did to him. He didn't deserve to be mistreated every single day of his life. But I knew that, so that's why I started to treat him better and things were going well. He started to get better and I started to feel weird with him. My heart was going crazy every time I saw him. But that doesn't matter anymore! Because he is gone!" Katsuki said as a single tear ran down his cheek. Dabi's eyes widened but went back to the glare as he realized that this bastard returned his feelings for Izuku. "You mean you have feelings for the person you killed?!" Katsuki didn't say anything.  "That's right, you don't get to say that you have feelings for Izuku all of a sudden." 

"Why? Huh? Because it is my fault he died? Nah, Bullshit! It's because you liked him too, didn't you?!" He gave Dabi a glare of his own. Katsuki had enough of being looked down upon by this villain, he knew it was his fault Izuku died but he didn't need this villain to tell him that. "Tch, You really think I have feelings for him? Don't make me laugh. Izuku is like a little brother to me. I would do anything to protect him." The things Dabi just said caught Katsuki's attention. "Why do you talk about him like he isn't dead? I'm not stupid. He is still alive isn't he?" Katsuki asked. "Don't try to change the subject and put this on me. I came here to find out what you did to Izuku before he died, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. So you're gonna tell me everything or I'll make sure you see Izuku way faster than you planned."

Izuku was sitting on the rooftop of the villain's base. He was looking at the stars and enjoying the peaceful silence. His thoughts were stuck on repeat, thinking about everything that happened these past few weeks. Everyone in UA thinks he is dead, even Kacchan. The fact that he is quirkless and living with the villains is also a lot to take in. He was also thinking about how hard he tried to die and still he's alive. I guess the universe has other plans for him. He got pulled out of his thoughts by a soft 'miaow'. He looked around to find out where the sound came from and his eyes locked onto a black cat. "I remember you." Izuku said softly as the cat walked closer to cuddle Izuku's leg. "You know, I never gave you a name, would you like one?" The innocent boy asked as the cat just looked up at him in confusion. "How about ... Loki? It fits you perfectly, especially your eyes." Izuku said as he petted the cat. The cat started to purr as Izuku looked back up at the sky.

suddenly he heard Toga call out for him. "Izuku! We're going to get pizza, You wanna come? Izuku?" Toga was in Izuku's room looking for him. "I'm on the roof!" The blond girl crawled out the window and made her way onto the roof next to Izuku. "What are you doing up here?" "Looking at the stars and making a new friend." Izuku said pointing at Loki. "Oh~ He is so cute!" Izuku smiled softly, he was still unsure about staying with the villains but they had been treating him way better than the heroes ever did. So he felt a bit relieved. "Oh, I almost forgot what I came here for. We are going to take a drive, get some pizza and you know have some fun. Are you coming?" Toga asked but Izuku didn't say anything. He just looked back up at the stars and started thinking. Should he go with them? Have some fun? It's been years since Izuku had fun. What if the heroes found him? Would they take him back? Lock him up?

Toga saw Izuku had a worried look on his face. "Don't worry Izuku, we will take care of you and keep you safe if anything happens." "I don't know Toga. I'm kind of tired and my arm still hurts." "Hmmm~ What do you say twilight? You think he should come with us or stay in his room and sleep all evening again?" Toga asked as she picked up the cat. "H-his name is a-actully Loki." Izuku said hoping Toga wouldn't mind. "Oh sorry, Loki then it is." Toga said and the cat miauwed once. "See he says you have to come with us." The blond villain said as she put the cat back down and took Izuku's arm. "Come on just this once, for Loki." Izuku glanced at the cat that was looking back at him with big eyes. "Alright, just a ride to get pizza nothing more." "YESSS! come on!" Toga yelled in excitement as she dragged Izuku with her.

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