28. Quirkless again

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💭By Dreamer💭

Izuku's POV.

While on my way back to the dorms I started thinking. Why does this always happen to me? I just returned to school for a week and now I need to stay in the dorms again. I'll never become a hero like this.  Maybe I should just give up. My thoughts got interrupted by my class, They were all standing in front of the 1-A dorm building. Everyone from my class was here except Kacchan, I don't see him anywhere. Why were they all just standing here? Are they waiting for something? Maybe they heard and want to apologize to me?

"Hey everyone! How are you guys doing?" I greeted them with a fake smile. "We were doing great until we saw you." I let my eyes drop to the ground as I hear the hurtful words coming from my friends. "We heard you got called into the principal's office, did you get kicked out?" Uraraka said exited. "N-no, they just told me to stay inside of the dorms." "tch, they should have kicked you out, you're obviously the traitor!" Uraraka yelled into my ears. "Yeah this school would be better off without you, it would be much safer and we wouldn't have to worry about getting killed by you!" Momo started yelling too. this hurts me so much, it's all true but the words are coming from my friends so it makes it harder to hear them.

"W-why are you saying this to me? I-I know all of that b-but you are all my friends and f-friends don't say that kind of stuff." "Pffff, you think we are friends? We would never be friends with a villain like you! Heroes aren't friends with villains! We don't even like you! We hate you! you're a murderer!" My eyes widen at the words, tears slowly escaping them. I really thought they were my friends. Was I wrong? Did they ever see me as their friend?  I saw them as my friends, I still see them this way. I guess I should have known this would happen. I'm never that lucky to keep good friends or even make them in the first place.

While I was standing there crying in silents my classmates walked closer to me. Sero Used his tape to tie me up and Todoroki used his ice to keep me in my place. "W-wait, w-what are you doing? S-stop, please." I was confused, What were they planning? Are they going to hurt me? No, they have never gone this far into bullying me. Before I even knew it I felt a punch in my face. I looked up to see it was Kirishima that punched me, he even used his quirk. Why? What did I do? I don't deserve this, or do I? Before I could ask them why, another fist made contact with my face. It was Momo this time. It didn't hurt as much as it did emotionally, they were all close friends to me. Was I the only one that thought that way? The third that hit me was Uraraka, it was a slap from hurt but it didn't hurt less. I don't understand, I helped her with her money issues. I bought her lunch every day.  I was helping her so why does she hate me now? Is it really because I killed my mother? I know, I know it alright. I hate myself for it too.

Then my other close friend Iida kicked me in the stomach. I helped him with his combat improvement. I was only trying to help. I spat out some blood before I started pleading. "P-please, i-i'm sorry. I didn't mean t-to kill her. I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by another slab in the face by Tsuyu. The one I helped to make her feel more confident about herself. Everyone he helped all turned against him. I was full-on crying, I even had trouble breathing after the kick Iida gave me. I looked up at them and all I could see was hatred in their eyes. Todoroki was standing right in front of me with his hand on fire. My eyes widen at the realization that he was planning to burn me. Todoroki was the one that trusted me with all his father issues. 

"N-no, please. s-stop." "Why would I stop? You're a liar, just like my father." Todoroki was about to burn me but someone stopped him. It was All Might. "That's enough, let him go." Sero let me go and went inside the dorms together with all my other classmates. "A-All Might, T-that was nothing. They were just a little mad. P-please, don't scold them for it." All Might started laughing. "Why would I scold them for defending themselves against a villain?" My eyes widen at the words. "W-what?" "In fact, I told them that they could do this if they felt threatened." "B-but I-" "Listen, I know you're the traitor, I know what you did. So I hope you understand that I can't let One For All be in the hands of a killer, I'm gonna need it back from you." No, no no no no NO! Why? I tried so hard to become a hero so why? Why does it look like I'm the villain? Tears streamed down my face as I pulled a single hair from my untameable curls. All Might snatched it from my hand and left without saying another word. I was left alone kneeling on the floor, crying at the thought that I'm quirkless again.

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