5. Katsuki

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Izuku and Katsuki where walking to their dorm side by side. When they entered the room that was full of boxes Katsuki walked straight to the kitchen. He looked in every closet. "Oi, worthless Deku! Get your ugly ass over here with that annoying notebook of yours and do something useful for once in your god damn life!" Katsuki yelled. Izuku flinched hearing Katsuki's voice so loud. "I-i'll be right t-there, Kacchan." Izuku said nervously and confused as to why the blonde needed him.

Izuku walked to the kitchen with a notebook. "What's wrong Kacchan?" The greenette asked. "These knifes are fucking blunt! write down that we need to buy new ones." Katsuki said as he looked in the other cabinets. Izuku not even wanting to know for what he was going to use them started writing everything down.

As the two went around their dorm room looking for stuff the'll have to buy they realized that there is only one bed for two. "No fucking way you are going to sleep next to me you filthy Deku!" Katsuki yelled clearly annoyed. "B-but Kacchan where a-am i supposed t-to sleep then?" Izuku asked. "The only place you deserve Deku! Your going to sleep on the fucking ground together with all the other dirt!" Katsuki yelled clearly mad. 

Izuku knew Katsuki hated him but letting him sleep on the ground is next level. "B-but-" Izuku got cut off by a punch in the stomach from Katsuki. "No fucking buts. this is my bed, If i ever see you even sit on it then i will kill you and don't you ever talk back to me again! Do you understand?" Katsuki said as Izuku was holding his belly in pain. "Oi, i said do you understand?" Katsuki asked again while he grabbed a hand full of Izuku's green curls forcing Izuku to look at him. "I-i.. i u-understand." The poor boy answered with tears in his eyes. "Tch." Katsuki grunted and let go of Izuku's hair dropping him to the ground. 

Katsuki walked out the room to go to his boxes to unpack leaving Izuku shaking and sobbing on the floor. 








"I am not your father and i never will be father of such a pathetic excuse of a son. Don't ever call me dad again! Do you understand?" Izuku's father yelled at his 6 year old son. "B-but your my-" Izuku got cut off by his father's large hand grabbing his hair forcefully making the little boy look at the abusive man. "I said do you understand?!" The man asked again. "O-okay i'm sorry." Izuku answered while he cried. His father let go of his hair dropping him on the ground and started kicking him. "Okay who!?" Izuku's dad yelled. " O-okay s-sir." Izuku cried out on the ground.








"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, please." He muttered out having a slight panic attack on the cold floor remembering his childhood traumas. 

Once Izuku managed to calm down he stood up and started to unpack too.

At the end of the day he really had to sleep on the ground with just a pillow and a thin blanket. He couldn't sleep, It was cold and his mind kept running back to his mother. Is she okay? Has dad hurt her today? 

Even if he gets abused at home he still can't wait till the weekend to go home and see if his mother is still alive. God he really hoped so.

Izuku grabbed his phone unlocked it and looked for his mother's number. When he found it he wanted to call but it was in the middle of the night and didn't wanted to wake her up so he decided to send a text.

💚My Izuku Baby💚

Hey, mom. I wanted to check up on you. Are you okay? I hope so. Did he hurt you today? I hope not. How was your day? My day was great, I got a dorm room that i share with Kacchan. I needed to say hi from him. He hasn't seen you in so long, i'm sure he misses you. I miss you, A lot. I will see you on the weekend. I love you xxx.

He never told his mother if he had a bad day or that Katsuki bullied him. He didn't wanted to worry her more. Right after texting his mom Izuku fell asleep on the cold hard floor. 

Hiii, dreamer here. This was part 5 i hope you liked it and have a good day. Keep dreaming and believing, dreamer out^-^

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