19. ghost

741 26 6

💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Izuku woke up at 10:30 am and slowly opened his eyes. His tummy hurt. He got up and walked to the bathroom. He did his morning routine and while he was changing he saw a huge bruise on his tummy. After getting ready he grabbed Katsuki's list of things he had to buy and left the dorm without eating breakfast.

In the store, Izuku grabbed everything that was on Katsuki's list. Suddenly something caught his eye, spicy food. Izuku saw that there was nothing spicy on Katsuki's list so he decided to buy some for him. Izuku knows Katsuki really likes spicy food, but Izuku was more of a sweet eater. So when he saw pork cutlets, He instantly thought of his favorite dish, Katsudon. he got the idea to cock katsudon for his whole class in the dorm kitchen. After he got everything he needed he went to pay. Katsuki didn't give him any money but Izuku didn't mind he was going to pay this time. 

When Izuku returned to the dorms, he put everything away and started pulling Katsuki's sheets off his bed to wash them. After that, he cleaned the whole dorm. It took him a couple of hours but everything was perfectly clean now. It was 2 pm and Izuku got ready to start cooking. He went downstairs and prepared the kitchen and started to cook.


"Izuku, honey! Do you want to help mommy cook? I'm making katsudon, your favorite!" Izuku ran down the stairs. "Yeah! I wanne help mommy!" Inko laughed at her actieve son. Izuku loves to help his mother cook. They would have a lot of fun together and the kitchen would always be a mess after but they would clean it together too.

End of flashback 

Izuku giggled at the memories as he continued to cook with love for his classmates. 

School ended and class 1-A went back to the dorms. Izuku just finished setting the table when they arrived. "Welcome back, I already made dinner for everyone. I hope you guys enjoy." Izuku said with a smile. But no one replied. Everyone just went upstairs to their room. "Guys?" Izuku didn't understand, did he do something wrong? Maybe they just don't like Katsudon or they're not hungry, Maybe they will come back? Izuku sat down at the table while he was thinking of every reason why they ignored him. 

1 hour later, Izuku was sitting at the dining table waiting for his classmates to return, but they never did. Should he start eating or wait some more? Izuku decided to put a name and a plastic around every plate of katsudon and put it in the fridge. 

Why a name you ask? Well because Izuku specializes every plate to a classmate. The one for Aoyama has extra chees on it and the one for Katsuki has a lot of spices and the one for Tokoyami has some seeds over it. Izuku knows what his classmates like and he tries his best to do something with that knowledge. After Izuku cleared the table he went back to his dorm.

When Izuku opened the door to his dorm he already heard yelling. "DEKU! COME IN HERE RIGHT NOW YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Izuku closed the door behind him and went to see what Katsuki was yelling about. "Care to explain this?" Katsuki asked pointing at the spicy food Izuku bought for him. Izuku smiled. "I bought it for you Kacchan since I know you like spicy food and I didn't see any on your list." Izuku explained expecting Katsuki to be happy. But he was wrong, dead wrong. "YOU IDIOT! I DIDN'T PUT IT ON MY LIST BECAUSE I DON'T WANT IT! AND DEFINITELY NOT FROM YOU!" Katsuki yelled angrily for no reason. "B-but I t-thought-" "WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG! AND WHAT'S THIS?!" Katsuki questioned pointing to the green apples. "T-they were on your list." Izuku stated. "I ASKED FOR RED APPLES!" Katsuki yelled. Izuku grabbed the list from his pocket and showed it to Katsuki. "You only put apples on it, you didn't ask for a type of apple." Izuku explained.

Katsuki was pissed. "GET OUT!" He yelled. Izuku's eyes widen. "B-but I live here too-" Izuku tried to reason with him but Katsuki wasn't listening. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY DORM NOW!" Katsuki yelled as he used his quirk to direct an explosion at the poor boy. Izuku flew back against the door. From the moment Izuku could get up he ran out the door in tears. He knew Katsuki hated him and he knew the blonde could have anger issues sometimes but he at least expected a smile when he bought spicy food for him.

When Izuku out the door Katsuki looked at the food Izuku brought for him, he cracked a smile. And guess what? he had spicy food for dinner. 

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