2. Izumi

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person POV.





"Onii-chan come play with me!"

Izuku opened his eyes and looked around. he was in the park where he and his little sister used to play. 


Izuku looked down to see his little sister standing in front of him.

"I want to play hide and seek with you, will you please play with me." Izumi asked her older brother. Izuku smiled seeing his sister. "Of course i will." Izumi smiled and grabbed her brother's hand and walked to a tree. "I'll hide first." Izumi said as she started running away looking for a hiding spot. Izuku started counting till 20.








Izuku said the last number extra loud as a sing he was done counting. The little green haired girl was already giggling. Izuku already knew where his 6 year old sister was hiding but didn't want to ruin her fun so acted like he didn't know where she was.

A while later he 'found' her. "Here you are!" Izuku said as he was tickling his little sister. "hahahah! Onii-chan stop! it tickles!" Izumi said while laughing really hard. 

then it all went dark.

"Hey Onii-chan! do you want to help me with my hair again?"

"Hey Onii-chan! will you take me to the mall again please."

"Hey Onii-chan? Why das dad hate us?"

"Onii-chan? Are you okay?"

"your fault."

"It's your fault!"

Izuku was standing in front of Izumi's room. He slowly opened the door to see his little sister hanging from the ceiling with a rope around her neck. her wrist were cut open, there was blood everywhere and a note that sticked to her t-shirt. 

Izuku took a shaky breath and walked to his beloved sister. He took the note and opened it. It was a suicide note written in messy script.

too Onii-chan and Okaa-san.

Onii-chan i'm sorry i could'n spell your name but thank you for everything. thank you for taking me to school everyday, because now i know how to spell and i can write this letter for you.

mom thank you for everything. thank you for all the food you gave me and the beautiful room you and Onii-chan helpt decorating.

please don't be sad. i will miss you but i am in a better place now, dad can't hurt me here.


When Izuku was done reading he broke down hard. his knees gave out and he dropped to the ground. His dad just walked into the room and stole the note from Izuku's hands, when he was done reading he gave the note back to Izuku. Izuku looked confused. "You should keep the note to remind you of how useless you are. You can't even safe your sister. This is your fault. she killed herself because of you." Izuku's father spat out with a disgusted face. "Stop." Izuku said. His dad smirked. 

"You killed your own sister, what kind of brother das that?" "STOP!" Izuku cried out. "Your a monster. what did she ever do to you? Your poor little sister now dead because you exist."  "NO! please, Izumi i'm so sorry. please forgive me." Izuku pleaded on the ground in front of his little sister's cold body covered with her blood.

"NOOOO!" Izuku screamed as he woke up from his nightmare. He breathed heavily. He looked at his hands trying to find his sister's blood on them but luckily it was just a nightmare. "That dream again. I hate it." Izuku got out of his bed and walked to his closet and opened the drawer. there Inside the drawer was the note his sister left behind. A tear rolled over his freckled cheeks. He sighed and closed the drawer before putting on some cloths. 

Hiii, dreamer here. This was part 2, i hope you liked it and have a great day. Keep dreaming, dreamer out^-^

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