29. Finding out

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💭By Dreamer💭

Aizawa's POV.

My phone suddenly went off while I was teaching. I normally never get messages while I'm in class so it must be important. I took my phone and looked at who texted me. It was Shinso, my adopted son. He texted me about something he saw Yesterday at school that included one of my students. He knows I'm teaching at this hour and he should be in class so if he's texting me it must be important. "Sorry kids, I have to go. It's important. But use this time to finish homework or to study, Nezu Will probably send a substitute later today." I tell my students as I leave the classroom. While I make my way to the place Shinso told me to meet him I text Nezo to tell him about my absence. 

When I arrive Shinso greeted me and gave me a hug. He may not seem like it but my son likes hugs, we normally don't hug or be father and son at school but no one is around so it's not a problem. "What did you need to talk about?" I asked him. "Well, while I was walking to class this morning I heard yelling coming from the boy's restroom. I walked closer and put my ear against the door to hear it more clearly. There was someone yelling things like 'Useless' and 'villain'. I don't know who they were yelling at. The person that yelled all these awful things then came out of the restroom, he didn't see me and continued to walk to his class. After he was gone I entered the restroom and I heard faint crying coming from one of the stalls. I checked each one and only in the last stall did I find someone. It was Izuku, he had trash all over him and was crying his eyes out. I also think his nose was bleeding but I couldn't see it very clearly."

"Are you sure it was him?" I questioned and he nodded. "Why would anyone do that to Midoriya?" "I heard some weird rumors about him killing his mother, but I don't think that's true." After my son's story, I got a little worried. I already knew that something was wrong with Mydoriya since he goes to a therapist and his father has a drinking problem but I didn't know anyone bullied him. I need to check something! I said my goodbyes to my son and left to go to the dorm building from class 1A.

When I got to the dorm building I walked into the elevator and pressed the floor Midoriya and Bakugo's dorm was on. Since I have a spare key to every dorm I can get in pretty easily. As I entered their dorm room my first thought was 'very clean'. I expected worse but then again Katsuki is a neat student and Izuku is a bit clumsy sometimes but is always decent. I walked around in the dorm for a while looking for anything that can help me understand Izuku's position. I decided to have a look at their bedroom but once I set foot in there I was confused. There was a Pillow and a thin blanket on the ground. I nearly tripped over the pillow revealing a notebook and pen underneath it. My curiosity took the best of me and I picked it up. It looked normal before I opened it up and started reading.

Dear diary, My name is Izuku Midoriya.

I'm 15 years old.

And my life is a complete mess.

So this is Midoriya's diary? I know I shouldn't be reading this but I couldn't help it, I need to know what Midoriya is going thru. I skipped a couple of pages and started reading somewhere. 

Dear Diary.

I did it, I finally did what the voice told me to do. I cut my wrists. It felt good like I took in some fresh air but a feel really bad for doing this. There are so many other people who have it worse than I am. I might be sleeping on the ground but at least I still have a pillow. What would mom say about my cutting? She would be very disappointed, She probably already was when I killed her.

As I was reading this I couldn't believe it. Midoriya killed his mother, cuts his wrists and sleeps on the ground?  

I need to have a talk with Bakugo.

I'm sorryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz