41. New home

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

"Is he awake yet?" The excited blond asked. "No Toga, he's still sleeping just like the last 10 times you asked." Kurogiri answered. "And when he does wake up you better leave the poor boy alone." Dabi said. "Yeah yeah, You guys are no fun." The boy they were talking about just woke up in the room right next to them. The poor boy opened his emerald eye only to see darkness. At first, he thought he had succeeded, That he was dead. He felt a spark of happiness but soon faded when he felt pain in his arm. He rolled over onto his side only to realize he was in a bed. Fear filled his head as he got out of bed as soon as he could, falling onto the floor in the process. His arm hurt a lot more now but that was the last thing Izuku's worried about. 

Suddenly the light went on and Izuku flinched. He looked at the door and saw a big shadow with spiky hair. Izuku first thought it was Katsuki so he was terrified, he crawled back until the wall blocked him. Squeezing his eyes shut, he waited for something to hit him but nothing did. 

"Oh, you're awake." Izuku recognized the voice immediately and slowly opened his eyes to see Dabi standing in front of him. "Good morning kid, You slept for a long time." Izuku was still shaking out of fear but felt a bit safer knowing Dabi was with him. "H-h-how?... W-why?" Izuku had a lot of questions and he wanted them all answered, Like why he was still alive? or how he was still alive, why they would save him, and how they even saved him. But Izuku was also scared to death of those answers. 

"easy kid, I'll explain all that crap later. But for now, you have to rest. Your body has to heal before your soul can." Dabi was about to take Izuku's hand but the poor boy flinched and pulled his hand away out of fear. Dabi only noticed then that Izuku was shaking. "What happened to you kid?" Izuku didn't answer, he seemed too tired to explain his hell. Dabi didn't force a story out of the poor boy, instead, he just sighed. "Come on, you need more rest. Get back in bed." Izuku violently shook his head. "n-no, p-please..." The greenette was on the verge of tears.

The taller male didn't question it and just pulled the bedding off the bed onto the floor, He quickly made a seeping spot for Izuku on the floor. "Just sleep kid, that's all you need to worry about right now. I'll handle the rest." After that, he left the room. Leaving Izuku to get some rest. "And is he awake yet?!" Toga asked for the hundredth time. Dabi just answered with a quick 'shut up' and went to his room, He needed some time to think about Izuku's position and what he possibly could have been through this last month, for him te get so much worse.

3 hours later it was time to eat, Dabi went to check on Izuku and see if he wanted something to eat. He knocked on the door before entering. It was dark and quiet. "Kid? You awake?" Izuku didn't answer but somehow Dabi knew he was awake. "We're about to eat. Wanna come?" Dabi asked only to get no response.  "Come on kid, You need some food." The villain said as he walked into the room and made his way to the closed window. "And daylight." Dabi said as he opened the window. Izuku didn't move he was just staring at the selling. 

"Listen kid, I'm not gonna force you I'm just saying that if you want to heal, you have to get up. One last time." After saying that Dabi made his way to the door to leave. But right before he could, Izuku called out for him. "Dabi, ... I'm scared." The villain turned around and took a seat on the floor next to Izuku. "It's okay to be scared, kid. It's normal. all you need to know is what you're scared of and then use that fear to grow. That's all fear is, A lesson." Dabi then stood back up. "Thank you, Dabi." The villain smiled. "You can call me Toya, And no problem kid. Now come out of this dark room and eat with you're new family." Dabi said as he offered a hand. 

Izuku looked at the hand for a while but eventually took it and stood up from the ground. "I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone. But I think you already know most of them since it's not you're first time here." Only then did Izuku realize he was back in the villain's base. But for some reason, he didn't mind.

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