39. Really gone?

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💭By Dreamer💭

Katsuki's POV.

No, it can't end like this. I don't understand, how this could happen. He looked terrified of me. Did he dream something again? 

I was still lying on the edge of the rooftop looking down hoping that I would see him fly back up or something, but nothing happened. It was so quiet. I couldn't see the ground because of fog so I still hoped Izuku wouldn't really be gone. I just had to make sure, so I jumped up and didn't lose another second to run down the stairs and made my way outside. Four-eyes was in the kitchen making coffee, he told me to stop running inside but I ignored him and continued to run. I made it outside and looked for Izuku's body on the ground. It had been raining the whole night so the ground was soaked and there wasn't much to see because of the fog. "IZUKU!" I yelled out his name. You could hear the heartbreaking voice crack as tears ran down my face. 

But It stopped when I saw something on the ground a couple of feet away. I walked closer and saw that it was Izuku's lifeless body. Tears escaped my red eyes once again as I fell to my knees next to the corps. 

"Izuku?" I reached out to grab the greenette's hand but his skin was ice cold

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"Izuku?" I reached out to grab the greenette's hand but his skin was ice cold. "no..." A faint whisper could be heard. I didn't believe he was gone, it just couldn't be! I let go of his hand and shook his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up. 






I stopped shaking Izuku's lifeless body and turned around. Mr. Aizawa was standing right behind me. "What are you doing?" I couldn't breathe. It was like time stood still until Aizawa saw the body. 

"What happened Bakugo?" 





I got pulled out of my thoughts and faced Aizawa. "What happened?" It was quiet for a while. "Look, No one is blaming you. We both knew Izuku could try again and it happened when we least expected it. So none of this is your fault. Just tell me what happened." I took a deep breath and started explaining. "Well, when I woke up this morning I heard some noise from the storage room. I went to see what it was and when I opened the door I saw Izuku covered in blood. He seemed very scared of me and as I came closer to help him he ran out the door and went straight for the roof. And then... He jumped..."  

"Alright." Mr. Aizawa stood up and walked out the door to talk with the police.

It was so quiet in the room since Aizawa left, that I could hear himself breathing. As I replayed everything in my head over and over again my eyes landed on a blanket with the body underneath it. I got up from his seat and walked closer to the table. I carefully lifted the blanket to inspect Izuku's peaceful face. 

"Izuku, why did you have to leave me? I finally started to understand how I feel for you. But now? It went all to hell." 

I stopped talking as i noticed something. I remembered Izuku having a bruise around his eye, but Izuku's dead body didn't have a blue eye. So it can be possible that this isn't Izuku! I ran out the door to tell Aizawa. But one of the police told me that it could have been shade that I saw around his eyes and thought it was a bruise. 

so that's it?

Izuku's really gone?

But I'm so sure it wasn't shade I saw!

Hiii, Dreamer here, I hope you are all doing okay.

Do you think it's Izuku? If not then where could he be?

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and have a great day. I love you guys!❤

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