48. My Father

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Izuku's eyes widened, He didn't know what to say or think. All for one the person claiming to be his father, continued speaking. "I know it's hard to believe but it is true." He said as he walked towards his desk in the dark. The taller man turned on a small lamp ontop of the table lighting up the room. Pictures that covered the walls were now visible. Izuku didn't dare to look at them, but All for one gave a sign that it was alright. Izuku narrowed his eyes not trusting the taller man for one bit but carefully looked away to observe the pictures. They were of him, Every single picture was of him. One where he was a baby and one with his mother. How did he get all these? This was starting to creep Izuku out. Has All for one been stalking him? Why?

"I know it looks weird but I got all these pictures from your mother. I didn't take a single one myself. You must think I'm crazy keeping all of them even though you don't know me, but I know you. You're my son and I have missed you and your mother so much. I know I have no right to tell you this but I want to be a family again, Just like old times." All for one stepped closer to Izuku and placed his hand on the smaller's shoulder. "I-I D-don't understand..." Izuku said confused. "When you were younger, 4 Years I think. I was still with you. We were a happy little family. It was just you, me and Inko, your mother. She was so beautiful, oh how much I loved her. But then you're quirk started to appear. It was powerful and way earlier than it should. Now back then I was a small villain, it was more a mafia that I led than a villain organization. It was to protect you and the love of my life. One day you're quirk got way out of control and you hurt yourself pretty badly. Blood came running down you're nose and you didn't remember me or your mom. The doctors said you had created an illness for yourself, one that isn't curable. That day the police also came by. Something about all might saying we were killing people, but I had never killed anyone yet. I had to hide but I couldn't take you nor your mother with me so she begged me to take your quirk so you wouldn't hurt yourself anymore."

After all for one finished his story he looked at the pictures and let down a tear. Izuku on the other hand couldn't think of one thing to say. Everything was so overwhelming. He had a quirk? His mom fell in love with a criminal? All for one is his father? Was all for one going to kill him because he murdered the love of his life? How can any of it be real? Before he knew it Izuku was drowning in his thoughts. He was having an anxiety attack, his heart was going faster than the wings of a hummingbird and his breathing was getting shorter. He buried his hands in his hair and started to pull. Izuku's head was a mess right now, trains of thoughts traveled through his mind like hurricanes. Everything Izuku even knew was a lie. Does this mean that the person abusing him wasn't his real father? His thoughts were interrupted by a slender hand grabbing his shoulder. 

"Son, are you okay?" All for one asked, but there was something about how he said 'son' that didn't make any sense. "W-why are-are you t-telling me a-all of t-this?" Izuku asked. "Because I want you to know everything I have done is for a reason and I want you to do the same as me. Stop running, be what they fear." All for one answered while he grabbed something from his desk. It was a small knife, very sharp but beautiful. "I know what my replacement did to you. I know he hurt you and your mother very badly every day. Izuku my son, I also know what he made you do." Izuku's eyes widened. All for one pressed a button and one of the walls split open. Behind it, there was a chair with Izuku's dad or let's say stepdad chained to it. All for one gave the beautiful but deadly knife to his son and spoke again. "Kill him son, Poor all your anger and sadness into this knife and kill the person who made you kill you're mother." Izuku just stared at the knife in his hands. He has been dreaming of doing this for so long now. The greenette raised his hand holding the knife with a firm grip. Hatred in his emerald green eyes, ready to push the knife deep into the other's chest. Stabbing his heart. But no matter how much Izuku hated his stepfather he could never take a life. Fear struck in the small boy as he dropped the knife. His stepfather smirked knowing Izuku was way too pathetic and a coward to kill. Panicking again Izuku just couldn't take it anymore, before he knew it his legs started running. Running from everything. Izuku ran and ran just like before, Is this ever gonna end? 

Izuku's legs finally gave out and dropped his light body onto the floor. All Izuku could do was cry, cry, cry, cry. It's all he has been doing. Crying and running. It's never going to end.


Izuku's eyes widen. It's never going to end because he keeps doing the same thing. He keeps running and crying. As tears rolled down freckled cheeks Izuku stood up, his head held high and a dead glare on his face. He's done running, He wants some change in his life, and if he keeps doing the same thing nothing can change! That's it. Izuku will no longer run from nothing.

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