8. therapy

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Izuku and the purple haired lady arrived in a private room. There where two couches and a small table.  Komiri took place on one of the couches and singled for Izuku to sit in front of her on the other couch. The greenette hesitantly sat down. It was quiet for a minute before the lady spoke. "Mr.  Midoriya, would you mind if i called you Izuku?" The boy shook his head no. "Okay then, Izuku. How about we play a game?" Izuku stayed silent. "It's okay if you don't want to. It's just so we can get to know each other better, so you can learn to know and trust me." She explained. "Why? So you can help me?" Izuku asked. "No, You don't need help because there is nothing wrong with you. All you need is a little push in the right direction so you can grow just like the tree outside." Komiri said smiling. Izuku smiled back but it wasn't a real smile, even though he felt a little happy that this woman knew how to help him even if you wouldn't call it that. "Okay let's play the game then." Izuku said showing a fake smile again.

Komiri knew that Izuku's smile was fake but didn't say anything. "Okay then, so here are the rules. You can ask me any question and i have to answer it honesty but then you have to answer your own question honest too. after that i can ask you a question, and so on. If there is a question that you don't want to answer then i have to ask an other until it's a question you do want to answer. Do you understand the rues?" she asked as Izuku nodded. "Okay, ask your first question."

Izuku was thinking for a second. "Why are you a therapist?" Izuku asked. "I am a Therapist because i want to hear other people their stories and understand them." Komiri answered. "Well i'm not a therapist so i can't really answer my own question so it's your turn." The greenette said. "How old are you?" The lady asked. "I'm 15." Izuku answered. "I'm 26."Komiri said answering her own question.

"What's your favorite color?" "Purple." "Mine is red." Izuku smiled but this time it wasn't a fake smile it was a real one. "Who do you love more, your mom or dad?" Izuku's smile faded. "My mom." He said coldly. "I don't know who i love more because i didn't got to know them. You see my parents died when i was just a baby." Komiri said while smiling. "Why are you smiling?" Izuku asked. "Well because i found peace with it. yeah sure i still get sad about it sometimes but if they didn't died then i would have never met my adopt parents so i'm actually great full." 

Izuku's POV.

She is right, i can't focus on what i don't have. I have to focus on what i still have. Like my mom and Kacchan and all my friends. 

After a couple more questions i start to know more about her and what she has been through. i begin to trust her because i know that she will understand what i go through and how i feel about it. But still even if i tell her what happens at home, she won't be able to help me.

It's Komi's turn to ask a question again. "Where do you like it the most, on school or at home?" School is a bit boring but i have all my friends there and i get to see Kacchan even if he isn't nice so it's way better then at home. "School." I answer her. She nods and answer her own question. "I liked it way better at home because i had a lot of stress on school and i didn't have a lot of friends." 

about a half hour later school ended and i was about to be excused but she wanted to say one last thing. "Izuku, you don't have to talk to anyone but i recommend to find some kind of way to let everything go. Write a dairy for example, it will help a lot. And if you ever want to talk to me you can, you won't bother me." I nodded thanked her and walked out.

Komiri's POV.

Izuku Midoriya. problems at home with his dad. Poor boy. Don't worry i will help you or at least try. I saw the look in his eyes, he is already so far gone. I have to hurry because if something else happens i don't think he will survive but at least i made progress today.

Hiii, dreamer here. I hope you enjoyed and have a very good day. Dreamer out^-^

I'm sorryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora